I bought a small crock pot at a thrift store for a couple dollars and
the temperature is just right to melt the paraffin.  Just dunk the
chain in until it quits bubbling, fish it out, wipe it down and you're
good to go.

On Feb 22, 8:35 am, Peter Pesce <petepe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Check out EcoVelo - Alan has several posts on the how-to's and why-
> to's of waxing.
> -Pete
> On Feb 22, 4:45 am, Earl Grey <earlg...@gmail.com> wrote:> Surprised I didn't 
> find the definitive answer in the archives, or a
> > riv reader for that matter.
> > The 1992 Bridgestone catalogue mentions using a double boiler, thus
> > 212 Fahrenheit max.
> > Riv Reader Vol 1 Issue 1 says Grant uses a 400 F bath, and says the
> > flash point is 425 F. Also says don't do this at home (liability
> > reasons, one assumes).
> > So, what do the extra 188 F get you? Lower viscosity and better
> > penetration? Has anyone found this to matter, or has anyone the
> > necessary scientific background to theorize upon the topic?
> > Winter here is bone dry season, so it seems like the time to finally
> > try wax after 20 years of cycling.
> > Cheers,
> > Gernot

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