
I haven't tried that. But then again, I have no way to re-introduce grease into 
the freewheel after I've flushed it with solvent. So earlier (before I had any 
*complete* failures) I was reluctant to do anything like that. Technically the 
IRD freewheels are not user-serviceable. If anyone has hints as to how to get 
into the innards of an IRD freewheel without destroying them, I'd love to hear 

Interestingly, my latest failure was happened *after* the temperature rose from 
-13 to +33 within 5 days. And the first failure happened as the temperature was 
dropping but was not yet super cold. Perhaps it has something to do with 
"passing through" the freezing/melting point of any water that may have gotten 
into the freewheel.

In any case, there's no harm in futzing around with a non-funtioning freewheel; 
it risks nothing but time. So I do intend to pursue getting a look at the 
insides of one as time allows.

Thomas Lynn Skean
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jason Hartman 
  To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 7:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [RBW] Phil Wood "IRD" FW hub and/or Shimano freewheel 

  Have you tried flushing the non working freewheels with solvent?

  It's pretty common for freewheels and even freehubs to stop
  working when they get really cold.  The grease solidifies and
  keeps the pawls from catching.

  Jay Hartman

  On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 5:45 PM, Thomas Lynn Skean 
<thomaslynnsk...@comcast.net> wrote:

    Hello, all!

    Does anyone have any experience using the "Shimanopore" freewheel on a
    Phil Wood "IRD" 7-speed freewheel hub? Does anyone have any experience
    using the "Shimanopore" freewheel with a "normal" (i.e. non-"IRD") 7-
    speed freewheel hub?

    I've had to replace three IRD 7-speed freewheels in 7 months. The
    first one (13-28) lasted a couple thousand miles but then started to
    fail to catch within a reasonable amount of rotation. The next one
    (non-mega 13-32) didn't work at all; the small cog was broken. The
    next one (non-mega 13-32) lasted only a few hundred miles before
    starting to "freeze" (introducing top-of-the-stay slack) and then,
    within a week or so, began to fail to catch like the first one.

    It had just gotten cold when the first one failed. It has just been
    *really* cold when the third one failed. I don't know if that's

    If these freewheels typically last only a couple thousand mikes, I'll
    be disappointed but I'll deal. If there's an alternative freewheel
    like the Shimano I'll use those. If fteewheels are just this
    inconsistent and I can't find an alternative freewheel arrangement,
    I'll switch to a cassette system ASAP and move on.

    Anybody have any insights / info / suggestions?

    Thomas Lynn Skean

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