I have a 9-mile each way hilly ride to work in Seattle.  The only thing that
keeps me from riding every day is fatigue over time.  During May, I
typically do about 4-5 days a week, and by the month's end, I'm wiped.  I
usually do 3-4 days year-round.  I've gotten to the point now where I
dislike driving due to the following:
   - parking - can't put my vehicle in my office
   - traffic can make the commute longer than biking
   - sedentary - don't have the invigoration from exercising on the way in
   - too much stress/concentration with traffic and other nutso drivers
   - and, yes - I don't like paying for gas

I work at a hi-tech branch of Comcast, and of the 130 employees, a good 30
of them ride to work during Bike to Work month.  There are at least 10
full-time commuters, though most have a ride 3 or less miles.  We have one
shower that is shared.  We used to have at least one female commuter, but
it's mostly guys.  While biking is not promoted, it is part of our company
culture, and at least 2 execs bike including the CEO.


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 12:14 PM, William <tapebu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's between 25 and 35 miles from my front door to the office
> (depending if I choose the safer, hillier, longer route or the
> flatter, sketchier, shorter route).  The casual (high-tech startup)
> work environment permits bicycling to work, but there is essentially
> zero promoting it (although I'm told that when choosing between two
> sites, this one was chosen for proximity to BART).  There's no shower,
> but there is space to park a bike inside and space to change clothes.
> I set the 2011 cycling goal for myself to do the one-way commute in to
> the office 50 times in the year.  I've done it 6 times so far.  I
> typically BART/bike home.  On the other days, my wife and I carpool in
> (we work in the same office) with a bike on the roof.  She leaves in
> the car early enough to shuttle the kids around after school.  I then
> bike+BART back home.  So, on the days I ride, I'm not really
> offsetting anything, because my wife is still driving in.  We can't do
> the bike-commute together, since I have to leave when it's still dark
> and somebody has to take the kids in to school.
> I love the ride.  I never was a morning cyclist and the light in the
> morning is great.  I can't make much of an eco-argument for how I'm
> doing any good for the planet, but I'm OK with that.  Doing that ride
> 3x a week and a long ride on the weekend makes it easy to rack up
> 200+mile weeks, which has notable benefits.
> Some of my other commute to work goals for 2011 are to do a 80% off-
> road route through the East Bay Hills to work, and to do an S24O at
> Lake Chabot on the way to work.  Finally, in the summer, I want to do
> the ride both ways some of the time.
> On Jan 24, 11:57 am, Montclair BobbyB <montclairbob...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I work for J&J and commute to a big (central NJ) campus, where there
> > are easily 3000+ employees.  I am one of only a handful of irregular
> > bike-commuters, and despite having showers, lockers and a well-
> > protected bike rack, J&J does little to encourage bicycling to work.
> > During National Bike to Work Week, it's amazing how FEW people will
> > actually ride in to work.  I have figured out a really nice (and safe
> > route), and even made a cheesy video to promote B2W Week that aired on
> > TV monitors throughout the campus in the weeks prior to B2W Week.  I
> > got lots of nice, supportive comments about the vid (and my route),
> > yet I had zero success recruiting others to join me, even for a single
> > day!! Our Environmental Health & Safety folks have been the official
> > "champions" of Bike to Work Week, and yet none of these people
> > actually will ride during that week either... people just seem to
> > think it's insane... they fear for their safety, and despite having
> > established "ride marshalls" to ensure a safe route, we get very few
> > takers... It's really sad.  By contrast, whenever I visit our Belgian
> > facility I am blown away by the hundreds of bikes I see arriving and
> > leaving the facility on a regular basis.  It's just an entirely
> > different mindset.... Our culture here in NJ is built on the
> > automobile, and the roads in NJ are great for motorists.
> >
> > So while I'll continue to ride my bike to work whenever I can, simply
> > because I so enjoy it, I will no longer lament at others' reluctance
> > to share in the joy... That's their loss, as far as I'm concerned.
> > (And in the minds of others here on campus) I am confident I have
> > permanently secured my place, smack dab in the center of the lunatic
> > fringe, which I am starting to accept as OK, too...
> >
> > Peace,
> > BB
> >
> > On Jan 24, 1:35 am, PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Not necessarily so. A few years ago I was talking to a retired Sandia
> > > Labs employee who used to bicycle to the base back in the 1970s. He
> > > remarked how many motorists exhibited bad feeling toward cyclists
> > > that, today, with so many more on the road here in Albuquerque, you
> > > don't see as often. I think that in some cities, at least, commuting
> > > has become considerably more popular; tho' of course you are starting
> > > with a very small base so that even high % increases don't necessarily
> > > translate into high overall numbers.
> >
> > > What's it like in LA and NY in 2001 compared to say 1990?
> >
> > > On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Rene Sterental <orthie...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > > > More bike commuting/public transportation commuting won't increase
> > > > until gas prices increase even more...
> >
> > > > --
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> >
> > > --
> > > Patrick Moore
> > > Albuquerque, NM
> > > For professional resumes, contact
> > > Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com
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