No big deal if the chex are gone.   Look at the rear and see if it's
starting to square off instead of being round.  That'll be a good sign that
the end is imminent.  From there it'll start being more common to get flats
due to the thinner rubber.  Also check your sidewalls from cracking/damage.
That's where my tires tend to go bad due to heat in the garage.

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 12:44 PM, williwoods <> wrote:

> they are toast when you see the tube sticking out. lol
> good question, I would like to know as well.
> On Jan 3, 12:24 pm, Michael Shaljian <> wrote:
> > I've had a set of Jack Browns on my Quickbeam since getting it in May
> > '09, and I've probably got near 2500 miles on them. They seem to ride
> > just fine, but I'm wondering what I should be looking for to know if
> > the tread is worn out. I'm 180 lbs., for what it's worth, and I assume
> > these should have a max lifespan of about 3000 miles?
> >
> > If the original 'checkerboard tread' has been worn down to totally
> > smooth, are they worn out? Or are they basically fine until all tread
> > is gone? As expensive as good tires are I'm not eager to change sooner
> > than necessary, but I do have a set of Schwalbes waiting that I'd like
> > to try out, maybe just to mix up my riding with new rubber?
> --
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Redlands, CA

* terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
probably benefit more from
improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS

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