You are right, the seatpost diameter is 31.8, IIRC, but I bought a
shim to fit a 27.2 post. Can't get any nice posts in 31.8, and if I
sell the Fisher, I'll put the old no-setback post back on and save the
27.2 VO for the next bike.

On Dec 17, 10:43 pm, William <> wrote:
> You had me convinced that the Fisher was/is too small for you.
> Ideally it seems like you'd ask Santa to replace your Fisher with a
> Hunqapillar in your size.
> On a related note, are you sure your Fisher seatpost is 27.2?  I
> recall the mountain bikes of 1990 having really chubby seatposts.
> Maybe not for the Sphinx.
> On Dec 17, 5:10 am, Paul Yeoh <> wrote:
> > My vote goes to custom stem for the fisher to make it your kid hauler
> > & trail bike.

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