On Dec 15, 12:52 pm, Montclair BobbyB <montclairbob...@gmail.com>
> Oh that IS a shame... Bryan creates such beautiful bikes, and I have
> forever adopted his term "renaissancing" a bike, (which more
> accurately describes what I previously mistook as "restoring")... I
> love RB's philosophy, particularly the part about giving an older bike
> a newer (better) look, and am truly disappointed to hear this news...
> I hope this idea isn't forever lost, and that they (or someone else )
> will carry forward this concept in some shape or form... and I hope
> Bryan somehow remains in the business... We need more people thinking
> like him.
Agree, I always found his bikes interesting. However, it appeared he
seemed to corner himself into a small segment as he only offered a few
style of bikes from Riv, Soma and VO. In other words, he didn't really
seem to offer anything different than what you can get from those same

In contrast, my LBS offers all styles of bikes from "renaissanced"
steel (including the owner's 1974 Alex Singer which btw isn't for
sale!) to the latest full on carbon racing bikes.  Although many of us
never bought the latest and greatest carbon, or maybe more importantly
weren't willing to fork out nearly $10K for a bike, we always
appreciated those that did as they help keep the lights on for the
rest of us!  Good Luck!

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