Hey Erik, great pictures man. What kind of knobbies are you riding on the
Hunq? and how do you like them?

On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 5:24 PM, erik jensen <bicyclen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i've been riding mine a bunch, and taking photos of some of it.
> what to say? i never feel capable of writing a review... i feel like a
> marketing person again. it rides like a rivendell, but across some pretty
> intense sections--places i couldn't use my other bikes as smoothly on--that
> was the point for my build--a dedicated load-capable mountain bike. My
> atlantis rides most of the trails around here using a bit of care, works
> great loaded even, and I use 40mm supremes. That's more than enough for me.
> But, when looking for speed/fun and going down some steep rocky terrain then
> it comes into its own. If you don't have rocks, I don't think you need much
> more than 40mms. If you have the trails for it, then get a bike that can
> take a knobby mountain tire. Ride your bike to your trails, though, right?
> To me that's the real advantage of a rivendell vs. an explicit mountain geo.
> I can do longer and more difficult loops in about half the time, feel more
> confident on the hardest portions, and get further and into more interesting
> areas far away from traffic and other people. YMMV. If you want a loaded
> touring mountain bike, it's a great option. It's a great part of a quiver
> centered on functionality and getting out there on two wheels. I did say
> quiver. But indeed, if I only had one bike it'd still be my atlantis. I'm
> lucky to have a few wonderful bikes to use getting from here to there.
> FWIW, it's noticeably stiffer than my 66cm atlantis--especially out of the
> saddle. I'm 185lbs.
> lots of photos on trails ridden here; bikenoir.blogspot.com
> just one, goofy, shot of the sort of fun big tires are giving on
> singletrack:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/bikenoir/5098441579/in/pool-1358...@n23#/photos/bikenoir/5098441579/in/pool-1358...@n23/lightbox/
> hunqapillar group:
> http://www.flickr.com/groups/1358...@n23/
> I wholeheartedly agree though, we need more riding photos! Show us your
> bicycle being used in beautiful places!
> ~erik
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Kelly <tkslee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've ridden a LHT, and have many friends that have them.  But honestly
>> I'm amazed that anyone would consider it to be an option to or equal
>> to the Riv Line.
>> Different strokes for different folks and all that, but bar none I
>> have never ridden a bike that rides as good as or that had the quality
>> or resale of the Rivendell.  So if I save 500 bucks on the frame over
>> a hiborne (I keep typing hilbourne as my middle name is kilbourne,
>> guess they need to change the spelling)  I get it back the day I sell
>> it and have a better riding bike to boot.
>> Anything else I go to equals more value.   Which is also a lower cost
>> of ownership.
>> So while I believe the LHT and other Surly bikes are wonderful, I
>> don't believe they are in the same ballpark.. not apples to apple
>> comparison anyway.  If so why ever buy a Rivendell?
>> My wife has a beautifyl 57cm Merlin extra light that is setup to fit
>> her .. we can barely get 700x28's on it but we did.  She test rode a
>> Hilbourne and AHH and road her Merlin inbetween when I picked up my
>> AHH and came back from the ride and ordered a Roadeo telling me to get
>> her Merlin sold.  I've heard this story from many many people in the
>> short time I've been around.
>> these bikes.  I've seen and ridden the customs that my other tall
>> friends ride that don't have room for fenders and just don't ride as
>> well.  (note they don't have a bell either)
>> Oh well.. Since this is a Rivendell Owners Group, I guess I can get
>> away with this post.. ;)  Right??? lol
>> later
>> Kelly
>> On Dec 4, 3:12 pm, Mike <mjawn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > What more is there to discuss?
>> >
>> > > :-)
>> >
>> > Yeah, I saw that. It's perfect for me. And yet I hesitate. I don't
>> > know that I'd use the Bullmoose bars, especially in that size. I've
>> > got some thinking to do. It does seem the perfect all-rounder but I
>> > just wanted to hear from folks who have actually been riding the bike.
>> > And I have yet to see pictures of a production model in the 58cm
>> > size.
>> >
>> > I agree with you about the Fargo. I think they blew it giving it
>> > "suspension corrected" geometry. And as others have pointed out, the
>> > classic lines and versatility of the Surly LHT make for a nice option.
>> > But we'll see what happens.Something might materialize with a used
>> > Atlantis...
>> >
>> > --mike
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> oakland, ca
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