I agree; I feel insecure without some sort of retention.

Interesting: I went back to clipless (SPD and Look) on my two Rivs,
both fixed gears, and find, even now, after a year, that getting into
the clipless pedals is harder than getting into clips and straps, even
using slotted cleats. (The SPDs are old and very nice but single sided
Dura Ace SPDs from years ago.) Frantic Fred Fumble all too often. BUT,
once in, no desire to change back.

Since I don't wear outdoor shoes inside the house -- one practice I
keep from my Chinese American ex-wife -- I have to put on shoes anyway
for a ride, and slipping into SPD sandals is as easy as slipping into
anything else.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Ryan <ryter...@mts.net> wrote:
> Those Sidi touring shoes Riv used to sell. When I resurrected my old
> Peugeot PX-10 as a single-speed I tried the retentionless pedal thing
> with MKS touring style (but narrower) that I tried riding w. trail
> runners, my Sidis, but without toe-clips and straps...I know...a bike
> you can hop on and ride with any shoe sounds like a great idea, but
> back on went the toe clips and straps. I just didn't feel right. What
> can I say?
> On Nov 14, 4:53 pm, Thomas Lynn Skean <thomaslynnsk...@comcast.net>
> wrote:
>> Keen, any variety.
>> I have one nominally waterproof pair, and two other active pairs, and
>> two "beater" pairs that no longer look right and have lots of wear but
>> just will not die. They all have big wide toe-boxes and just generally
>> work well for me (on Grip King pedals and for just walking around).
>> Plenty of room therein for the wool socks, even a couple of layers. As
>> soon as they're available, I think I'll add some Splats to the
>> wardrobe, to enhance the Defense Against the Cold Water Arts.
>> Oh, and I have Keen sandals, too. In which I ride in very warm and
>> warm-and-wet weather. Sandals with a toe-box. I love it.
>> Yours,
>> Thomas Lynn Skean
>> On Nov 14, 4:45 pm, Montclair BobbyB <montclairbob...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I saw mention of shoes on the pedal discussion, and decided to spawn a
>> > new discussion...  What kind of shoes do you all ride with???  (I've
>> > recently changed my perspective on shoes.)
>> > Since owning my Bombadil I've virtually ceased using my SPD shoes.  My
>> > pedals are Nashbar Rodeo 2 pedals, which have SPD bindings on one
>> > side, platform on the other... Instead I ride my favorite, most
>> > comfortable shoes, Ecco Country Walkers... I never would have
>> > previously considered riding in my "street" shoes, which I now realize
>> > is totally absurd.  Riding with these shoes puts a smile on my face.
>> > Best of all, when I arrive (wherever it is I arrive at), I'm wearing
>> > my favorite shoes.
>> > BB
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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com

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