Nice to hear all the QB love.  I got a first year green one five
(six?) years ago on ebay for a deal and I can't say exactly but it it
has to have over 10,000 miles on it from me and it was already well
ridden by the previous owner.  I've built three vintage touring bikes
and a couple of other bikes in the last few years and they all sit un-
ridden until I strip them down and sell off the parts and frames.  Now
I only have the QB and a late-80s mountain bike with albatross bars
and big baskets front and rear for my short daily commute (one mile,
bummer) and grocery runs.  I can't explain it but no other bike
"feels" like the QB.  Fast, stable, amazing.  I rode it 3k this summer
alone (estimated because I don't have a computer or racks, just a old
big baggins saddle bag for when I need to transport a couple of
bombers of home brew to a friend's house).  I'm saving for a
Hunqua...but it could be a while.
pics some time.

and to the OP: what is the stem/bar set up?  I run a short nitto stem
and the wide noodle bars but I'm thinking of going higher and that
looks sweet.


On Nov 8, 6:03 pm, Mojo <> wrote:
> Patrick,
> I can't speak to your questions. But as another data point, I have to
> say I don't like my Q ride as much as the 2001/Curt road custom, or
> the 2009/Waterford Legolas. The Q doesn't feel as lively as those
> frames *to me.* Not that the single speed format isn't fun and not
> that I don't enjoy my Q rides.  I haven't done my homework to compare
> tubing, but the Q from pure frame weight alone must have thicker
> walled tubes. I am suggesting you may not like the SimpleOne ride
> since you are spoiled by your customs. But of course YMMV
> On Nov 8, 1:26 pm, PATRICK MOORE <> wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Dan Abelson <> wrote:
> > > While I have 2 nice bikes in addition to my Quickbeam (a AHH and a
> > > Crosscheck), the Quickbeam is my favorite and my go to bike.  There is
> > > something magical (to me at least) about the ride.    I like it so
> > > much that I was seriously contemplating whether I should get a Simple
> > > One frame when it comes out just to keep as a backup in case something
> > > ever happens to my Quickbeam (I don't think that is in the cards -- I
> > > don't think my SO would buy that logic).
> > I've got two Riv custom fixies, but I'd love a Riv-made fixie to
> > replace the (admittedly rather nice, but still not Riv) '73 Grand
> > Record I use as a grocery fixie. So, tell me: what is the difference
> > between Simple One and QB, and when is the SO due? And, will it be
> > available as a frameset?

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