My QB has grown into my primary bike in the year that I've owned it.
For the first few months i was much warier of using everywhere and
would ride my beater if I was going to have to park it outside for
long. After a while I just ended up preferring the ride so much that I
ride it pretty much exclusively these days. I still have beater (a
single sped converted from an old 90's ATB), a Giant Sedona I'm going
to donate to the local university bike co-op, a Bike Friday I take in
trips (it has been to Walnut Creek from Honolulu), and an old Raleigh
road bike in the Big Island.

My only complaint has been using my QB on camping trips. I did a 3
night 250 total miles tirip with no trouble but I think I might have
like a bike with deraillers for that.

Still its primary purpose is a city commuter in a city with w hills so
it's darn near perfect.

Aloha, Bob

On Friday, November 5, 2010, Philip Williamson
<> wrote:
> I was looking at A D's fantastic SimpleOne: 
> I think because it looked so beautiful, I wondered if it was his main
> bike, or one of many.
> That made me wonder who of us with QBs consider it our primary bike,
> and who uses it for a specialized purpose, or as a fun secondary
> bike.
> My Quickbeam is my main bike. I ride it the most, I lavish the most
> attention on it, and it's the one I consider "my bike!" I have two
> other bikes: a geared mtb, and another 2-speed road bike.
> My Quickbeam this morning: 
> So, Quickbeam owners, is your QB your "main bike?"
>  Philip
>  Philip Williamson
> --
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Robert Harrison

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