
I think you need to compare apples to apples:
The $200 wheels (
hollow-wheelset/18-312) are twin hollow rims, which are single-walled
rims, that are inferior to synergy and dyad. I believe handspun build
these, too.

Riv does sell synergy/LX wheels (most likely built by handspun) but it
costs $250. Add tax on top of that suddenly you are looking at $270+.
If you take 5% back as a Riv member, then you are dead even with $260
shipped (no tax if you buy from Universal Cycles).

Handspun also has the dynamo option, which Riv does not offer at the
budget level.


On Oct 3, 8:52 pm, nathan spindel <> wrote:
> Thanks all for the advice so far!
> Those Handspun wheels (Dyad, Deore LX) seem like a good deal at $260
> shipped, but I'm wondering how they compare to RBW's $200 Budget
> Synergy Wheelset (Synergy, Deore) which Rich goes over a bit. Since
> I'm a local I won't have to pay shipping on the wheels from RBW. Now
> I'm leaning in that direction…
> Cypres, B-Line, Pari Moto, and Hetre all sound like good ways to go –
> thankfully there are so many nice options in 650B.
> -nathan
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 4:53 PM, franklyn <> wrote:
> > Nathan,
> > Of course I was there when you bought the frame. I have used several
> > pairs of tektro R556 (or silver) extra long reach brakes. Paired with
> > the right kind of brake pads they are quite effective. For Briana, who
> > is lightweight, they won't flex as much.
> > Dia Compe 750 center pull brakes are another good option. They give
> > you wonderful modulation and good stopping power. They can be gotten
> > for pretty cheaply on ebay.
> > I like the new Soma B-line tires on my Kogswell right now. Smooth,
> > quiet, and corner well. They are wider than the CdlV but narrower than
> > the Hetres. I will start with those. Hetres are great, but they are
> > pretty pricy.
> > Wheels. You can't go wrong with Rich-built wheels, but they cost more.
> > I have been using wheels built by Handspun. They use Velocity Dyad and
> > Shimano LX hubs (even have dynamo option).
> >;...
> >;...
> >;...
> > They might not be Rich-good, but they are pretty good. I don't know
> > how well VO wheels hold up, but they are also cheaper.
> > I have parts sitting around that might be useful to your build.
> > Contact me with what you need and I will see what I have.
> > Best,
> > franklyn
> > On Oct 3, 3:40 pm, JL <> wrote:
> >> The Saluki is a tough bike.  Don't worry about the load amounts.
> >> The first thing I would ask is: What does she want?
> >> Building a bike up fro someone else is an interesting endeavor.  That
> >> person may, or may not, be interested in the same type of build.
> >> Personally, I would just steer clear of CdlV tires.  I have had
> >> nothing but bad luck and their irregular mounting drives me nuts.
> >> I ride with Hetres or fatty rumpkins on my Saluki.  They both fit fine
> >> under Berthoud 65mm fenders.  I have a cantilever brake Saluki so that
> >> might make a little bit of room available width wise. for the fenders.
> >> -Jason
> >> On Oct 3, 11:16 am, nathan spindel <> wrote:
> >> > Yesterday at the RBW garage sale I picked up a 50cm 650B Saluki frame.
> >> > I'm going to build it up as a road bike / occasional light S24O
> >> > hauler. The rider will be a lightweight 5'5" lady, so it'll be able to
> >> > carry a 10-20 lb load just fine.
> >> > I have much of the build planned out (Noodles w/ bar-ends, XD2, B-17,
> >> > rear rack) but haven't decided on:
> >> >  1. brakes (Silvers or Dia-Compe's or Paul center-pulls?)
> >> >  2. wheels (Rich-built Synergy 32h 105?)
> >> >  3. tires (Soma Xpress 38? Pari-Moto? CdlV?)
> >> > What would you suggest for those components, given the uses above?
> >> > Thanks for your advice!
> >> > -nathan
> > --
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