Thank you, Jim, but this is merely an amalgam of ideas culled from the
collective ideas of other Riv owners... that's more a testimony to
these bikes and the passion of the people who own them.  But I have to
say I absolutely savored every moment selecting components and
building this bike... and it's not done... it will evolve no doubt.

Thanks for helping to provide the energy behind this!
(And most of all, THANK YOU to Grant P and the Rivendell gang... you


On Sep 21, 11:04 am, CycloFiend <> wrote:
> on 9/20/10 8:57 PM, Montclair BobbyB at wrote:
> > Initial build pics on Flickr...
> >
> Dang!
> That is a timeless looking rig.  Excellent setup.  That one's a real winner.
> Thanks for sharing the images to the group!
> - J
> --
> Jim Edgar
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> Gallery updates now appear here -
> "There were messengers who named their bikes, but Chevette never would have
> done that, and somehow because she did think about it like it was something
> alive."
> William Gibson - "Virtual Light"

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