on 9/20/10 8:57 PM, Montclair BobbyB at montclairbob...@gmail.com wrote:

> Initial build pics on Flickr...
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/16461...@n04/sets/72157625000944598/


That is a timeless looking rig.  Excellent setup.  That one's a real winner.
Thanks for sharing the images to the group!

- J

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

Gallery updates now appear here - http://cyclofiend.blogspot.com

"There were messengers who named their bikes, but Chevette never would have
done that, and somehow because she did think about it like it was something

William Gibson - "Virtual Light"

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