I wear virtually exclusively MUSA shorts when riding in warm weather
and (until now) MUSA pants when riding in non-warm weather. I intend
to embrace the idea that knickers would be fine in cool weather so
that the temperature "eras" would now be three: 70-up, shorts;
45-69.9999, MUSA knickers; 44.9999-down, MUSA pants.

However, no matter what the temperature, minus 20 to 100 plus (and yes
I've ridden in both), I always where some petroleum jelly and wool
boxers. The jelly really reduces friction in soft tissue; you'll know
exactly where to put it. The wool boxers manage moisture and
temperature perfectly. I wear lightweight or midweight wool boxers
while riding, either one, in any temperature, all the time; I never
have netherworld problems.

Not that it's a particularly large amount of riding, but just for
perspective: I ride between 4 and 5 thousands miles a year, from 5 to
55 miles on a given day, 6-7 days a week.

Wool doesn't sound like it'd work.  But it works perfectly for me. It
is *definitely* worth a shot.

Thomas Lynn Skean

On Sep 4, 4:50 pm, charlie <charles_v...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have too much of a beer gut to wear any of them....whaaaa! Actually
> I purchased the last pair of 3X (or were they 2X) pants and while nice
> I must hem them as they are for guys 7 feet tall. I do have the shorts
> but they are a bit tight in some ways and loose in others. I like the
> (idea) of knickers but am concerned that I may not be able to wear
> them at my place of employment and generally because of their semi
> nerdy, hippie, mountaineering look. I still can't find a combo that
> allows me to ride more than about 20 miles in hot temperatures without
> suffering from crotch discomfort. I've tried gel bibs, plain cheap
> cycling shorts, athletic breathable undies and plain shorts, regular
> shorts and undies, MUSA shorts with regular undies and the best combo
> has been my KEY brand logger jeans with suspenders and regular undies
> but only for temperatures below the low 70's. Every other combo
> eventually bunches up the fabric and gets uncomfortable. Maybe its the
> suspenders that are doing the trick..... not sure that the clip on
> suspenders wouldn't tear the nylon fabric of the MUSA stuff. Any ideas
> for us big boys, I can ride more were it not for the discomfort in my
> nether parts?
> On Sep 4, 1:56 pm, "S.Cutshall" <clotht...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sep 4, 3:43 am, JoelMatthews <joelmatth...@mac.com> wrote:
> > > Unfortunately, I have the attention span of a two year old and somehow
> > > managed to buy the shorts instead of the knickers.  The shorts are
> > > very nice.  But I have the most gorgeous legs of any bike riding male
> > > in Chicago.  When I wear shorts, other riders distracted by my legs
> > > collide with stationary objects.
> > Hilarious!  Thank you for the laugh [and I agree...  same holds true
> > for me: ordered MUSA shorts, wife convinced me that they looked good -
> > legs & shorts- and then a sat down... WHOA, no way Jose: too much leg-
> > too many years at too big a weight.  Muscles or not, I am not showing
> > that much leg to society, society deserves better.  Kept the shorts
> > for swimming trunks -swimming in the middle of nowhere, solo- swimming
> > trunks].
> > -Scott- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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