Thanks Dan! Ideally I'd have slightly fatter tires on my Appa, but as I 
transferred nearly the whole build over from my 2TT Sam I'm keeping the the 
Manastash until they need replacing or a trip necessitates fatter tires. 
I've also put a marks rack on the front just to get my Dynamo light up a 
little higher and further forward. 
Drew, having spent a lot of time riding Billies(13cm tallux), and 
Toscos(13.5cm faceplater) before that, and Albatross(11cm tallux) before 
that... I'd say where the stem on each placed my resting hand position has 
the Bullmoose only slightly further forward. My swept back bars have always 
placed my hands just behind the Stack, where the subtle bend of the 
Bullmoose puts them just in front of it. 

Echoing Randy's statement that the bike definitely feels "more capable" and 
more ATB like. The Bullmoose really unlocked the riding experience I was 
looking for which is somewhere between Country Cruiser and ATB, in that my 
riding position is still upright enough to be super comfortable but planted 
and stable enough to feel comfortable on single track and bumpy trails. 

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