Not only do some of your replies terrify me but they also give me 
hope…great tension there, friends. :) I’m rooting for hope…hope that all 
these insights eventually solve this problem so I can go about my usual way 
of NOT thinking about my bicycle as I ride it.

Ryan: yeah, it’s counterintuitive to replace a brand new cassette which 
shouldn’t be in bad shape, but we did it anyway…just covering all the bases.

Eric Marth: your derailleur pictures look horrifying to me! But it gives me 
hope that you, too, experienced this same issue, and now you don’t. 
Hopefully, the cassette replacement on my Platy would have turned up a 
loose lock ring…if it did, I’m almost sure my bike-mechanic guys would have 
told me. IDK.. And it’s super helpful to see the image you sent in 
conjunction with your explanation. I never set out to learn this stuff, but 
I’m taking it all in. And I’m really glad you’re okay after your mishap. 

Eric Daume: I can’t quite understand if you’re referring to my cassette 
(which is 9 gears) or Eric Marth’s cassette. Either way, I’ll somehow 
tactfully question my bike guys if my cassette/hub arrangement might need a 

Liz, who intends to take a test ride this week, in Cincinnati

On Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 11:18:15 AM UTC-5 Eric Daume wrote:

> It looks like it's an 8 speed cassette on an 11 speed hub, so the missing 
> spacer might be an issue.
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2025 at 11:15 AM Eric Daume <> wrote:
>> I've had cases where the freehub body was too wide for the cassette 
>> without a spacer in the back. In this case, even if the lockring was 
>> tightened, the cassette was still loose.
>> Eric
>> On Sat, Jan 11, 2025 at 11:03 AM Eric Marth <> wrote:
>>> Hi Liz — I'm late to the conversation. JohnS! Wow, what a memory! He's 
>>> here to share what came to mind reading about your issue. 
>>> I had a similar ghost shifting issue with my Hillborne. It was driving 
>>> me up the wall. Shifted great in the repair stand, all seemed well. When I 
>>> put the drivetrain under load when pedaling the chain would slip cogs, 
>>> float and shift. I didn't experience any drooping or movement in the shift 
>>> levers. 
>>> I'm a ho-hum mechanic and after a few days of frustrated tweaking in my 
>>> shed I took it to my friends at the local bike shop. They had a look and 
>>> didn't get it figured out. They were focused on aligning the derailer 
>>> hanger. 
>>> Turned out the cassette lock ring was loose! I figured this out in my 
>>> shed, I believe someone on this forum or Instagram gave me the suggestion. 
>>> Can't remember who! In my case the lock ring come loose in a crash. 
>>> On many cassettes the smallest few cogs are loose in the stack and 
>>> they're held in place by the cassette lock ring. Often the largest cogs are 
>>> connected to one another as a unit. In the image below we see the smallest 
>>> three cogs are loose, the remaining 6 cogs are pinned together. This could 
>>> explain why your drivetrain is slipping in the smallest three gears when 
>>> under load. It might also explain why the chain wants to move on its own, 
>>> if the cogs are loose the chain might move with them. 
>>> [image: Screen Shot 2025-01-11 at 10.56.34 AM.png]
>>> All of this said, and no shade on your LBS, but I could see (possibly... 
>>> potentially) a mechanic embarrassed by overlooking a mistake like this and 
>>> not copping to it. Whoever replaced the cassette would certainly notice if 
>>> the lock ring was loose, as JohnS mentioned. 
>>> Best of luck getting it sorted , Liz. Let us know how it all works out 
>>> :0) 
>>> Eric in Old Virginia
>>> On Friday, January 10, 2025 at 4:03:19 PM UTC-5 JohnS wrote:
>>>> Liz,
>>>> I know this maybe after the fact, but your original post reminded me of 
>>>> Eric Marth's issue under the subject, "Tried and liked: Suntour 
>>>> Cyclone Pretzel 
>>>> <>".
>>>> There he reported the chain was jumping/skipping/slipping. Turns out the 
>>>> problem was due to the cassette lock ring being loose. You've already had 
>>>> the cassette replaced, but maybe you could ask the mechanic if he/she 
>>>> recalls the lock ring being loose when they replaced the cassette.
>>>> JohnS
>>>> On Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 1:23:36 PM UTC-5 John Rinker wrote:
>>>>> Thank you, Liz! What a beee-utiful bicycle! Yowza! I do hope the 
>>>>> cassette change fixes your issue as I can imagine how annoying it must be 
>>>>> to cruise along on such an excellent bicycle that doesn't perform as well 
>>>>> as it looks.
>>>>> Bill, I had no idea about the fires in LA. I'm so sorry. I hope you 
>>>>> and your family suffered no greater loss than property. What a tragedy.
>>>>> John
>>>>> On Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:00:37 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
>>>>>> I am not sure why the cassette which is virtually new, needed 
>>>>>> replacement. Unless it's a QC issue. However, if the new cassette fixed 
>>>>>> your issue, great!
>>>>>> On Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:21:56 AM UTC-6 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> For John Winker…here’s a link to my Platypus, purchased from and 
>>>>>>> built up by C&L Cycles in Montreal. Thanks for asking to see it! 
>>>>>>> [image: lizs-purple-platypus.jpg]
>>>>>>> Latest Builds - Liz's Purple Platypus 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Sent with delight from my iPad
>>>>>>> On Jan 9, 2025, at 5:54 AM, <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Bill and others in the path of destruction, I’m so so so sorry 
>>>>>>> about the unbelievable fires and the losses because of them. 
>>>>>>> “Apocalyptic” 
>>>>>>> is right. In the face of the pain  you’re experiencing now, our other 
>>>>>>> “problems” bleach in comparison. Please know how many of us are 
>>>>>>> watching 
>>>>>>> from afar and are thinking of you and will be ready to help when we 
>>>>>>> can. 
>>>>>>> Liz in Cincinnati
>>>>>>> On Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 12:58:04 AM UTC-5 schralp wrote:
>>>>>>>> Whole town burned in apocalyptic firestorm. Lost more that just the 
>>>>>>>> platy. 
>>>>>>>> -Bill
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 7:22 PM John Rinker <> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hey Liz,
>>>>>>>>> I must speak for more than a few of us when I say I'd love to see 
>>>>>>>>> a photo of your Platy! Perhaps on the group ride, or with your 
>>>>>>>>> mechanics, 
>>>>>>>>> or whatever. It's always such a pleasure to put a picture with a 
>>>>>>>>> story.
>>>>>>>>> And speaking of stories, Bill, I'm sorry your Platy is gone. How 
>>>>>>>>> did your Platy succumb to fire? 
>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:22:31 PM UTC-8 schralp wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hooray. I am interested to hear if it’s solved even though I lost 
>>>>>>>>>> my Platypus to fire last night…
>>>>>>>>>> -Bill
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 5:39 PM Liz Tilton <> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The derailleur hanger has been checked and is straight. And as 
>>>>>>>>>>> of today I have a new cassette. 
>>>>>>>>>>> I’ve heard from James at Rivendell who mentioned blue Loctite 
>>>>>>>>>>> and also said that a worn cog could cause the slipping so he also 
>>>>>>>>>>> suggested 
>>>>>>>>>>> a new cassette. 
>>>>>>>>>>> I haven’t taken my test ride yet because, as Mathias said, “it’s 
>>>>>>>>>>> salt season” (which made me laugh). 
>>>>>>>>>>> My mechanics now want to make my test ride a group ride, which 
>>>>>>>>>>> thrills me to no end, and I’d love you all to join us. :)
>>>>>>>>>>> (Looks like more snow is on its way, so it could take a while 
>>>>>>>>>>> before I can report back about it.)
>>>>>>>>>>> Liz in Cincinnati
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent with delight from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 8, 2025, at 2:26 PM, Tom Wyland <> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I stand corrected.  What Mike said.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 1:49:53 PM UTC-5 lconley wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Like Mike said, first thing to check is the derailleur hanger 
>>>>>>>>>>> alignment. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Laing Conley 
>>>>>>>>>>> Delray Beach FL
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