
Basically doing what I tried early on with soap&water&suds instead of alcohol. Syringes will deliver soap and water. Worth a 10min try if I’m ever down this path again.

After that, if no good progress… destruction!!

Doug, I’ll give it a shot next time! Thanks!

Thomas Lynn Skean

On Nov 24, 2024, at 11:22 PM, Doug Van Cleve <dvancl...@gmail.com> wrote:

Howdy folks.

I read thru this whole thing, and to my surprise nobody mentioned what I would do.  I looked up the grips on RBW.com, and they seem to be some kind of rubbery stuff?  Anyway, every time I wanted to remove grips that wouldn’t come off just from pulling toward the end of the bar with my fingers on the front edge (which usually makes the inside diameter increase slightly), I’ve just worked a bit of dish soap under the stem side than wiggled and twisted a bit at a time until more of the grip releases.  Lather, rinse, repeat until it comes off then clean everything up with water and dry.  Am I missing something?

Regards, Doug
Chandler, AZ

On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 7:50 PM 'thomasl...@comcast.net' via RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Following the OGK removal I went with leather wrapped around Newbaum's as grips for this Boscomoose..

The asymmetry and irregularity are, uh, intentional. Yeah, that's it. Intentional.

While it's clear I'm not ready to provide leather-grip-wrap services professionally, I'm comfortable with the aesthetics of the outcome. It feels good in the hands. I've since added a few coats of shellac to the twine discourage rapid unexpected disassembly. I've have not ridden with them yet; it may all fall apart under actual usage.

If so, I'll chalk it up to experience. If not, I'll have fun using it, even more knowing that I put it together.

Thomas Lynn Skean
who is still deciding which bag should ride there: brown SaddleSack XS (shown), blue SaddleSack XS, or old school tan Baggins Keven's

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