Speaking of old but well designed bike racks, I once bought one very second
hand that strapped to the trunk lid of a sedan -- to sides and bottom lip
of trunk lid -- and carried I think 2 bikes with front wheels removed and
fork dropouts clamped to a forward clamp. The rear wheels strapped to cups
at the other end of the device. The bikes rode fore-and-aft with rear
wheels over the end of the trunk but high enough to be safe from being rear
ended. You could still lift the trunk lid with the rack attached (in fact,
with the bike/s attached, tho' the weight made it awkward).

I daresay you could have strapped this to the rear hatch of a hatchback or
minivan (I don't do SUVs) to carry the bikes more vertically but I never
tried this.

Does anyone know who made these?

On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 6:31 PM Chris Halasz <chal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Leah - thank you for starting this thread!
> We are in the market for a rack, and a car bigger than our Honda Fit to go
> with the rack, for transporting our bikes around!
> I'm surprised there's no discussion on Hollywood Racks
> <https://hollywoodracks.com>, favored over the 1Up by of many of our
> friends. I understand the Hollywood Racks fold and stow nicely, which is
> important to us. Our criteria: Fits a big Clem with mid-40mmish tires, and
> folds up nicely for garage storage

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