A friend and I did the Seattle to Portland ride this past weekend (205 miles in 
either one or two days), and we were both surprised to see a number of riders 
on electric bikes. 

I haven’t done many large cycling events since the rise in popularity of 
electric bikes. When I did large-scale rides like STP pre-COVID, everybody 
would have been on a regular, human-powered bike. So seeing powered bikes on a 
“cycling” event struck us as a little strange. 

What is everyone’s experience with this? I’ll admit I am a little skeptical 
about combining electric- and human-powered bikes in the same event, but that’s 
probably a reflection of my cycling history. The events I usually ride, which 
are mostly RUSA-sanctioned randonneuring, would definitely not allow any kind 
of powered bike.

What do YOU think? Should electric bikes be allowed on events like RAGBRAI, 
STP, centuries, etc.? What limits would you impose, if any? Or should they have 
their own events?

Interested to hear what the group thinks.

--Eric Norris
Insta: @CampyOnlyGuy
YouTube: YouTube.com/CampyOnlyGuy 

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