What makes friction work for me isn't only about holding the derailleur 
position, ie: not having frame flex produce cable pull or the lever slip, 
but rather the tactile ability to quickly and accurately move to the next 
cog without need to trim. If the feedback required to do that is only 
sounds, perhaps the Campy cassette has a greater ability to cope silently 
with a bit of trim needed but is really close to engaging the ramps to the 
next cog (presuming your ghost shifting is to a larger cog). 

On my Rambouillet I have 8-Spd Shimano cassette, Suntour Barcons and a 
fixed RD upper pulley (vs floating) Mavic 840/845 RD. I can feel the need 
for trim through the pedals and at the lever when making the shift. This is 
an easy to shift bike in situations with lots of noise. I found out last 
week riding this bike for the first time in a couple of years on a regular 
group ride that it does not accoustically  telegraph my shifts compared to 
all the hollow/resonant CFRP index only shifting bikes (cable or wireless) 
drive trains. Those seem to cultivate pedaling through shifts, no matter 
how hard you are pedaling and some really audible shifting events. Unsure 
if this is just novice rider behavior or a rationalizing selling point for 
the more experienced rider who thinks easing on the pedals is weakness and 
a source of speed loss. Either way, others listen for shifting as a cue in 
groups, actively or passively and my drive train doesn't give it. 

On my commuter I have 8-Spd Shimano cassette, Shimano bar end shifters and 
a floating upper pulley Shimano XT RD. I cannot as accurately friction 
shift this drive train despite my commuting times providing a pretty quiet 
environment and still do not have as confident friction shifting due to 
less tactile feedback from either the levers or pedals and I mostly leave 
it in indexing mode.

Andy Cheatham

On Monday, April 15, 2024 at 9:27:21 PM UTC-4 ber...@bernardduhon.com wrote:

> I have been friction  shifting my 10 speed campy set up. 11-26 X 44-28 
> Crank is Sugino. 
> Was not happy with performance , ghosts shifts up when spinning & down 
> when stomping the pedals.  
> Switched up to a 34-11 Shimano
> Nothing else changed 
> Seems to be working really well. 
> Previous threads and literature suggests that the closer the cogs in 10 & 
> 11 speeds makes for better friction shifting.
> What has been your experience?  

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