In an ocean of charcoal, slate, and black bikes, I just appreciate the wide 
range of colors Rivendell puts on their bikes. 
However, I have what I think is a minority opinion: I’m about 75 percent in 
favor of no more than two specific colors for specific models (**with 
exceptions for custom paint jobs, which are at the buyer’s discretion, with 
Riv’s final approval of course**). The production colors become part of a 
particular model's “brand" or visual identity. This is important.

For example, it’s hard to imagine Atlantis production models in any color other 
than the Atlantis blue/green… even though there are Atlantises painted in 
lovely one-off colors. It would be odd if any other production model were 
painted in the Atlantis color. The Atlantis geometry has changed tremendously 
over the years. You might even say that the Atlantis green/blue *is itself* a 
huge part of the Atlantis brand because the color has been a constant through 
the various Atlantis permutations.

Another example: I like that Hunqs came in two color schemes: the early runs 
were grey and kidney bean red, and the later runs were green. Now Joe’s 
fantastic custom was inspired by the grey and red Hunq scheme. But it’s a 
custom, a one-off, slightly different, and ultimately it was Joe’s prerogative. 
He made a very tasteful choice. 

I think the Platypus was the first model in mermaid (?). Anyway, when I see 
mermaid I think Platypus, not Gus or anything else. I don’t get why any model 
other than the Platypus should be in mermaid! It’s a strong brand association. 
The lovely  sparkly raspberry of Leah’s Platypus, being a unique one off, does 
not weaken the Platypus mermaid brand because raspberry was not a production 

And as much as I like the lovely olive green as a color, the number of models 
in this green suggests brand confusion and inconsistency. 

I do think that variations of similar colors across model is fine. They should 
be different enough not to confuse them, though.  

Like I said, my opinion is probably in the small minority.

> On Apr 24, 2023, at 6:48 PM, Wyatt <> wrote:
> Have to say whatever they're doing with the paint is right. Next Riv I get 
> will be 50% because I want a frame with that mermaid green.
> On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 5:29:55 PM UTC-5 Jason Fuller wrote:
>> Wait, the Platys are coming in silver soon? Crap, I guess good thing I just 
>> got my Charlie back or I'd be dropping a bunch of money for that. 
>> I'm late to the conversation, but my read is that Grant & co spend a lot 
>> more time on color selection than is business-smart to do so, because they 
>> want it to be exactly right - so when they get one that passes a vote, they 
>> hang onto it. As for my opinion about it, I like how they do it because if 
>> you love a certain color, you just have to be patient for it to come to your 
>> preferred model - or, conversely, if you like a model but not the available 
>> colors, you'll hopefully be accommodated on the next batch.  I do think that 
>> colors should be retired every few years for new ones though! 
>> On Monday, 24 April 2023 at 12:56:19 UTC-7 Ryan wrote:
>>> Yes, have a great color scheme there...which is a good thing 
>>> because we see a lot of it...and  that's totally OK. I like looking at it😊
>>> I really like the harvest gold; got it in 2001 when it was fairly unusual, 
>>> but offered as a custom color. Looks different depending on light(sunlight 
>>> vs cloud). I agree with Laing that a butter yellow would be great, 
>>> especially if it had panels and headtube in a root beer or coffee color. 
>>> The standard cream would get lost because there's not enough contrast. I 
>>> absolutely do not need  another custom but if I were in the market and Riv 
>>> still offered customs, I think that I could go for that.
>>> I do like Leah's Raspberry and that mermaid color is quite attractive too. 
>>> On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 10:48:21 AM UTC-5 Miles T wrote:
>>>> I’m a sucker for metallic colors… it’s like you get 2 for 1. A metallic 
>>>> colored bike looks totally different in overcast weather vs a sunny day. 
>>>> But the solid colors are great too. That dark green on the Clem “H” models 
>>>> a while back is one of my favorite colors on any riv. At this point, they 
>>>> have a wide selection of colors and I like seeing them pop up on different 
>>>> models over time.
>>>> I love that scheme on your custom, Joe. Especially that cream outline on 
>>>> the red accents. 
>>>> On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 11:39:47 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>>> I'll throw down for the gloss non-metallics here cuz it's what I chose 
>>>>> for my custom. I like it!* 
>>>>> *I like metallics, too. I'm easy 😬
>>>>> On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 7:48:02 AM UTC-7 <> wrote:
>>>>>> Crust Bombora owner here, so I have no reservations whatsoever about 
>>>>>> pink / lilac / weird colored bikes. The more the better!
>>>>>> Personally, I agree with Leah in that I find the Rivendell colors look 
>>>>>> best when they're sparklin'. The only non-metallic Riv color I've ever 
>>>>>> been attracted to is that mustard color of the Clem / Appaloosa. I'd 
>>>>>> like to see them move away from the non-metallic oranges and blues... 
>>>>>> and I'd love to see more of the weird gold, mustard-y tones and maybe 
>>>>>> more variations on silver.
>>>>>> On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 9:14:07 AM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>>>>>> I would buy a pink step through if they came out with one.
>>>>>>> On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 9:22:00 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>>>>>>> I am fortunate to own a Rambouillet in the first paint edition - the 
>>>>>>>> sparkling metallic orange.  I've had many complements on it not just 
>>>>>>>> from other cyclists, but also from random on-lookers, as well.  Some 
>>>>>>>> of these have even said that they'd love to see a vintage vehicle of 
>>>>>>>> their choice repainted with the Nova Orange base coat and the Spanish 
>>>>>>>> Gold clear coat.  It's hard to beat.
>>>>>>>> On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 3:39:48 PM UTC-5 <> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello friends — I've noticed that over the past few years Rivendell 
>>>>>>>>> have been using some of the same paint colors on many frames through 
>>>>>>>>> several production runs. If there's been a discussion of this 
>>>>>>>>> practice, I've missed it. 
>>>>>>>>> I can't quite put my finger on it but something about the same paint 
>>>>>>>>> appearing on frames over and over leaves me scratching my head. 
>>>>>>>>> Perhaps there's a missed opportunity to pin a color to a model or to 
>>>>>>>>> cycle in new colors with new batches of frames? 
>>>>>>>>> What do other members think? Do you appreciate the same colors 
>>>>>>>>> appearing on different frames? Do you wish there was a wider variety 
>>>>>>>>> of colors? Does it matter at all? 
>>>>>>>>> Some of these colors I like quite a lot, others I appreciate. There 
>>>>>>>>> isn't one that I dislike. The Lime Olive is always striking when it 
>>>>>>>>> appears on a new frame, love it on the Hillbornes and Clems. 
>>>>>>>>> The harvest gold, wow, looks killer on those Susies. Blew my mind on 
>>>>>>>>> the Homers because they've always been a blue bike. 
>>>>>>>>> I do miss the mustard from the older Appaloosas and the dark bronze 
>>>>>>>>> that appeared on some Clems. These two colors paired with some of the 
>>>>>>>>> newer colors currently in use demonstrate, I think, that Riv has some 
>>>>>>>>> of the best paint colors in the biz. Really lovely stuff. 
>>>>>>>>> Here's a far-from-complete list more or less off the top of my head 
>>>>>>>>> of where current production colors have appeared:
>>>>>>>>> Lime-olive
>>>>>>>>> Platypus
>>>>>>>>> Susie
>>>>>>>>> Hillborne
>>>>>>>>> Clem
>>>>>>>>> Mermaid
>>>>>>>>> Appaloosa 
>>>>>>>>> Platypus
>>>>>>>>> Roadini
>>>>>>>>> Gus
>>>>>>>>> Harvest/Dark Gold
>>>>>>>>> Hillborne
>>>>>>>>> Homer
>>>>>>>>> Susie 
>>>>>>>>> Ana Purple
>>>>>>>>> Rosco Plat
>>>>>>>>> Appaloosa (next batch in 2023?)
>>>>>>>>> Road Uno or Gallop? (I can't remember but thought the purple was 
>>>>>>>>> slated for one of these frames) 
>>>>>>>>> RBW Orange
>>>>>>>>> Appaloosa
>>>>>>>>> Roadini
>>>>>>>>> Gus
>>>>>>>>> RBW Blue
>>>>>>>>> Too many to list?
>>>>>>>>> Appaloosa
>>>>>>>>> Clem
>>>>>>>>> Hillborne
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