Affectionately acknowledged, Max. Ride on...

    On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 10:15:44 AM MST, reynoldslugs 
<> wrote:  
 Scott et al - 
correction - sorry, the saddle on the Atlantis is an SMP Avant:
It doesn't look as nice as the Selle Anatomica, but I switched a number of 
bikes over to the SMP Avant split-seat in my post-cancer life.  (I don't 
usually mention that, but it's no big deal and I'm figuring a number of us have 
had to accomodate our bikes and components for all kinds of medical reasons as 
we get older.  E.g., cross levers for old arthritic neck, split-saddles for 
post-surgical comfort.)
Max BSanta Rosa

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 9:04:27 AM UTC-8 reynoldslugs wrote:

Mon Cher Scott:
That's my Atlantis, yes.  It's one of the originals, I think I bought it from 
Rivendell in 2003.  I am not sure if that makes it a Toyo or something else, 
but I guess Toyo.
The saddle is a Selle Anatomica:
As for the cockpit, those are regular in-line Paul Cross levers on the 

My reasoning - i.e.,  the experience that led me to start putting  in-line 
cross levers on my bikes comes from long rides with long downhills.   After six 
hours or so of riding, they provide a comfortable alternative to braking in the 
drops.  When I'm tired, I like to have hand-position options for the Pine Flat 
Rd  descent (3,000' descent), or one of the other hills around here.
Best,Max BSanta Rosa CAOn Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 8:47:53 AM UTC-8 Scott 

I've wiped the drool from my chin and have a few questions about the Atlantis, 
please. I assume it's yours.

Is it a Toyo model (I don't get the Atlantis squared decal on downtube and the 
downtube shifter bosses)?
What saddle is that?!
Can you speak to and describe your cockpit and reasoning behind it, namely the 
multiple brake levers (is one a pass-through/slave)?
Happy Holidays, all!

    On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 08:23:30 AM MST, reynoldslugs 
<> wrote:  
 Well, I'd choose this:

and that:

Legolas - fast and fun, light.  Always makes me happy.Atlantis - same but more 
rock solid.
My favorite bike... is whichever one I'm riding at the moment.
Happy Holidays everyone, stay safeMax BeachSanta Rosa CAOn Tuesday, December 6, 
2022 at 12:30:49 AM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

Hey Masa!
This is a cool companion to the occasional One Riv To Rule Them All threads we 
do around here. 
I'm currently a one Riv (and one folding bike) person, my custom is a 
low-stepover kinda-pavement-oriented bike like your Platypus: It'll go just 
about anywhere but wasn't designed for hardcore off-road riding or full-on 
touring loads. I've done some shopping runs on it that I could feel in the 
frame was probably pushing my luck with how much weight I was carrying, so for 
me my second Riv would be heavier duty. I've also recently moved to an area 
with a bunch of fire roads and singletrack, and although my riding 
interests/capabilities would preclude major mountain biking escapades I'd still 
like to know my frame could take the abuse. 
So I'd reach as far from my lightish roadish frame as possible, which takes me 
past the lugged frames and into Clem or Gus territory. What I end up with - 
if/when I decide to do it - would depend largely on money and opportunity to 
pick something up. I really like the Gus but they're pricey even used and 
rarely available; Clems are great and easier to find. I've owned a few and 
imagine I'll have one again sometime. 
I hope this was helpful for you. I saw on another thread that you asked Leah 
for a comparison of her Platy(s) and Clem L, I hope she chimes in here, she has 
much to say and says it well! 🙂
Joe Bernard 

On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 9:52:42 PM UTC-8 Masa wrote:

Hi all, I would like to ask you how you would choose 2 Rivendells if you could 
Which models? What kind of purposes? What kind of weather? What kind of roads? 
Any definition is welcome.
I'm currently riding a Platypus and I feel like I can ride it everywhere for 
any purpose as Riv says it's an All-rounder so I just would like to know how 
you would add one more Riv or how you are riding 2 Rivs already as a reference 
(possibly for my future 2nd Riv).
I hope you enjoy the topic!

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