Finally got around to doing a couple of things - getting a Phil Wood
hub and building my own wheel.  Jim Thill at Hiawatha spent a good
chunk of an evening trying to drill into my thick skull how to
properly build a wheel.  Might have been slightly less dim than most
days, as the instruction took, and now have a Phil freewheel hub laced
to a Salsa Delgado rim.  Even more amazingly the wheel has stayed good
for about 60 miles of riding over the weekend.  Including a curb bash
taken at a lot higher speed than planned.

About a week earlier, swapped the crankset out for a Sugino XD found
secondhand.  More than a bit scuffed up, but that crank just looks so
"right" on this bike.

One last observation - the Silver shifters do seem to work alot better
with a seven speed rear than an eight.  Was pretty sure that would be
the case, but was nice to have it confirmed.

A couple of photos here -

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

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