Great story Leah. Thank you for sharing it. I appreciate learning about the 
life and times of bicycle people. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 31, 2021, at 4:47 PM, George Schick <> wrote:
> TMI...sort of.
>> On Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 3:25:52 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>> I’m glad this thread was resurrected because I’m in fine fighting form today 
>> about my garage.
>> For years, 2 of the 3 stalls were mine. The third stall was for my deep 
>> freezer, bikes and the tiny amount of tools/pieces/parts that go with the 
>> bikes. But now big things are happening in my household. JP got himself a 
>> motorcycle, so that went to live in the bike stall. Then, he inherited his 
>> Dad’s 1995 Jeep Wrangler and decided to restore it. As of yesterday, he 
>> convinced me to move my van out of my remaining garage stall and park on the 
>> street so he can really spread out and mess up the garage. He’s doing things 
>> with paint, so now I live in fear he’s going to spray my beloved raspberry 
>> Platypus, or maybe it will get stolen because he’s got the garage door up 
>> all the time. Or maybe we’ll all die of the paint fumes, who knows.
>> Last night things came to a real head when he asked for my socket wrench. 
>> Years ago I took the socket wrench and the 3/4” socket and kept them in my 
>> van, because that’s what both of my bike racks require. Last night he asked 
>> for it back...for keeps. I bought him this socket set when we were dating in 
>> college; we had just met and it was Christmas. He was a farm boy who was 
>> studying to be a suit, but I didn’t see why he wouldn’t like a good socket 
>> set - it was CRAFTSMAN. I think his exact words after unwrapping the gift 
>> were...”You don’t know me, do you.” And he was right. But now he’s returning 
>> to his roots. He sheds that suit and he turns on country music and he gets 
>> tools and he’s ripping apart that Jeep. Today I went to Lowe’s and spent a 
>> whopping $37 on one socket wrench and one socket in 3/4”. I bought Craftsman 
>> because it’s cheaper than a divorce (I’m kidding. Kind of.). 
>> Here are photos of the pathetic little spaces I’m left with, and of my 
>> glorious new socket wrench.You’ll note my one little tool bag (I bought one 
>> that didn’t scream TOOLS IN HERE to throw him off my trail). I have a 
>> make-up bag (!) in the van and that is where my socket wrench and bike rack 
>> parts are. Not pictured are my bike stand and my air compressor.  
>> Leah 
>> PS I actually adore him. I just think socket wrenches are like underwear - 
>> you should only have use of your own.
>>> On Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 11:14:49 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>>> I'm a bit late as well, but I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's work 
>>> space and have gotten some good ideas from y'all. And hopefully we can keep 
>>> this thread going and see more of your shop spaces. Here's a pic of my 
>>> workbench: I moved the bike stand for the shot, but it lives on the 
>>> cardboard you can see at the corner of the pic, and most of the bikes are 
>>> hung up on the wall just to the left of the metal cabinet. Cheers,
>>> ~Mark 
>>> Raleigh, NC
>>>>> On Mar 19, 2021, at 19:40, Eric Marth <> wrote:
>>>> Dang, glad you made it Rich! I'm really impressed with the bottle cage 
>>>> and cup as tool holder. That's some next level stuff. I'm serious. I like 
>>>> your shop-made tool holders as well as the base you made for the truing 
>>>> stand. I'm with you on the plywood, nails and shop-made methods for 
>>>> holding stuff. Table-mounted vise is cool. 
>>>>>> On Friday, March 19, 2021 at 5:45:54 PM UTC-4 wrote:
>>>>>> I'm very late to the party but wanted to share. I've done a lot more 
>>>>>> volunteer work- frame and wheel building for our local co-op. My frame 
>>>>>> building items are in another room and I haven't done a full-frame in 
>>>>>> almost 2 years, although I've done a lot of S and S coupler retro's 
>>>>>> which is odd. It seems repairs will come and go in cycles. My space has 
>>>>>> been taken over by various kids and family projects, which has been fun. 
>>>>>> My daughter's crafts, my son's pitching practice area, and oddly, a 
>>>>>> wrestling mat. Hey, they are only young once! My dream is a separate 
>>>>>> space outside of the house, but that is just that, a dream! 
>>>>>> -Rich in Des Moines
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