Dave, it's better than the old site, thanks! 

My initial suggestions are to (1) have the masthead "stick" to the top of 
the browser window, so I always have access to the triple-bar widget, and 
the human head,magnifying glass,and shopping cart icons. (please consider 
activating the script that will let their proper functions appear as a 
strip of text when the mouse is hovered over them), and (2) work to let 
each page have some reference anchor back to the page or category it came 
from. For instance the "Saddle Sores" page is a helpful article amidst the 
collection of cycling tips, but I don't know that it's one of several 
articles in a group on cycling tips when I'm there looking at it.

And bravo on the order history in the view of my account! Wow, I have spent 
a lot at RBW over the years :-)

- Andrew, Berkeley

On Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 8:56:21 PM UTC-8 Dave wrote:

> Hi Everyone, 
> Just a heads-up that we launched a new theme today for the rivbike.com 
> webstore. We enlarged the photos all around, spruced up the homepage, 
> improved the search, and updated a number of things for a smoother 
> experience on desktop and mobile. We hope you like it!
> The other big reveal is that the Blug, our newsy blog that has been on 
> Tumblr ever since 2010, has now moved within rivbike.com to 
> https://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news.   With that move, you now have one 
> site for all the latest product updates, news and Grant's blog. Just head 
> to the homepage.
> Enjoy and let us know what you think. 
> Dave Schonenberg

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