The home page has a rotating set of pics of people working on or riding 
Rivbikes in normal clothes. The mission statement of the company is below 
this. I think it is sufficiently explanatory and inclusive. 

On Friday, February 12, 2021 at 2:13:12 PM UTC-8 greenteadrinkers wrote:

> ... not to say that Riv needs to stuck in tweed. Brands evolve.
> On Friday, February 12, 2021 at 5:02:33 PM UTC-5 greenteadrinkers wrote:
>> I totally get this is in process. My initial thoughts seem to be that the 
>> "brand" is a bit missing from the site, or maybe it's a bit scattered and 
>> broken up. The converted get it and know it and will put up with anything 
>> because they love it. But those outside have to dig, thus it's not doing a 
>> great job selling the Riv lifestyle. Thinking back to the mid-00's the site 
>> had tweed all over the place, yeah heavy-handed, but it did a great job 
>> communicating a visual language that translated into a lifestyle and in the 
>> process helped reinvent cycling and the culture of cycling. Right now, I 
>> have to dig to see or hear that story, I have to dig to be sold that story. 
>> When I arrive at the home page I get is a full-frame image of a middle-aged 
>> white dude fixing a flat. Cool shot for sure, but not very inclusive. You 
>> don't want new customers to have to dig.
>> On Friday, February 12, 2021 at 3:53:19 PM UTC-5 aeroperf wrote:
>>> Ah, I see I missed the sidebar.  That's better!
>>> On Friday, February 12, 2021 at 3:50:16 PM UTC-5 aeroperf wrote:
>>>> Is it just me, or does anyone else think that with a store that sells 
>>>> bicycles, you should be able to get to the bicycles with one click from 
>>>> whatever the default page is?
>>>> Now:, scroll, scroll, scroll to the bottom, Product 
>>>> Catalog, Bicycles & Frames...  
>>>> Agree with Staff Bikes comment and Restock email alerts.
>>>> On Friday, February 12, 2021 at 2:56:30 PM UTC-5 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the alert, Dave! Been looking forward to seeing the 
>>>>> redesign. Striding in the right direction :) 
>>>>> A few thoughts follow. 
>>>>> *Homepage photographs*
>>>>> I really dig the wild, free, low-light, long exposure photographs 
>>>>> here. And I generally really dig and admire the idea that a place that 
>>>>> sells incredible bikes has a front page where you can't even really see 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> frames. 
>>>>> *Product pages*
>>>>> I'm glad that you can finally see things in bigger and better 
>>>>> resolution. A lot of these pictures are way way way crispier than on the 
>>>>> old site. The mouse-over function on the old version never worked for me. 
>>>>> I 
>>>>> find that the huge, long column of text is a bit tricky to parse and 
>>>>> difficult to read. Would it be possible to have a gallery of product 
>>>>> pictures towards the top with the text below, with the text running the 
>>>>> full width of the page?
>>>>> *Category pages*
>>>>> I would find it easier to browse if all of the products were displayed 
>>>>> in a grid with each shown at the same size. Easier to scan, allows the 
>>>>> eye 
>>>>> to follow a straight line. 
>>>>> *Restock email alerts*
>>>>> Gotta have these alerts
>>>>> *Newly updated/added*
>>>>> Would it be possible to have a page where newly added and updated and 
>>>>> restocked items could appear together? Crust does this and I appreciate 
>>>>> it. 
>>>>> I've noticed another Crust comparison above, they did a nice job. But 
>>>>> their 
>>>>> site is almost entirely a store, without the blog, news feed and tons of 
>>>>> articles and information to incorporate. I appreciate Will's re-stock 
>>>>> updates! 
>>>>> *Staff bikes*
>>>>> I have always dug this page and wish it was more actively updated! 
>>>>> Looking forward to the return. 
>>>>> *Article page*
>>>>> This could be organized a bit better, perhaps with headings for 
>>>>> categories with individual articles bulleted below. Having to click into 
>>>>> each sub-category page is a little cumbersome. 
>>>>> *Sizing and geo page*
>>>>> The chart is large! I can zoom in using the zoom function in my 
>>>>> browser or right click to view at full size but on my MacBook the chart 
>>>>> displays at a size that is small and pixelated and unreadable without 
>>>>> user-end manipulation. 
>>>>> On Friday, February 12, 2021 at 1:37:20 PM UTC-5 Dorothy C wrote:
>>>>>> On the old site, Email when back in stock would never deliver to my 
>>>>>> Apple email account, only my work one. Wouldn’t show in junk folder 
>>>>>> either
>>>>>> On Friday, February 12, 2021 at 10:18:23 AM UTC-8 Jason Fuller wrote:
>>>>>>> I'll spend some time getting used to it before commenting but one 
>>>>>>> thing I noticed is the geometry chart is compressed a bit too much and 
>>>>>>> isn't really legible - though right-click and open in a new window 
>>>>>>> solves 
>>>>>>> that issue :) 
>>>>>>> The old website was endearing but was certainly in need of a 
>>>>>>> refresh! 

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