Watched that also; well done.  Reminds me that I rarely get the wheel in 
perfectly straight & the brake nearly always drags.  I drop it out of the 
work stand & re-set the quick release when the rear wheel has weight on 
it.  The wheel only has to be a tiny bit off at the drop out & that makes 
the rim way out of position.


On Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 4:55:58 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> I saw the video Leah posted of her wheel removal and reinstall - which she 
> nailed first try - and man oh man this reminds me how much of a bugger that 
> job is no matter how many times I've done it. I didn't nail it first try 
> all those years ago! 
> Joe Bernard
> On Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 6:50:21 AM UTC-8 Tom Wyland wrote:
>> Good for you, Leah!  I serviced my first headset and bottom bracket last 
>> fall.  It felt good.
>> I have a fender-mounted taillight but always wound the wire under the 
>> bottom bracket, out the non-driveside chainstay and out the fender 
>> support.  Aesthetics aside, I never understood the under-fender approach.  
>> It seems like it it would leave the wire open to damage by rocks or ice 
>> chunks getting kicked up under the fender.  I guess that's not too 
>> different from under-bottom bracket damage potential.  
>> On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 11:00:09 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> Tomorrow I am doing a new thing because Leah Peterson Took A Stand and 
>>> now has no excuses. 
>>> The crappy electrical tape the LBS used to tape my dyno wire under my 
>>> fender is (predictably) falling off...again. I need to remove the rear 
>>> wheel, which I have never ever done - and clean the fender (I’m thinking 
>>> with alcohol) and then try to secure the wire until the good tape arrives 
>>> from Analog. I’m afraid that this will all go south on me and I will have a 
>>> unicycle. 
>>> I’m going to watch like 15 YouTubes tonight. Wish me luck. 
>>> Darn this new stand,
>>> Leah 
>>> On Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 10:54:26 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>>> I like my Bike Hand stand but it's my first so no point of reference 
>>>> with other stands. I agree it is a pain to work on a bike on the ground. 
>>>> The Bike Hand isn't great at rotating the position of the bike but it 
>>>> holds 
>>>> a heavy bike well.
>>>> Doug
>>>> On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 10:04:27 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>>> Ding! wrote:
>>>>> Ok, that got your attention. 
>>>>> I’m not actually taking a stand so much as BUYING a stand. I have had 
>>>>> it with trying to work on a bike on its kickstand. Tonight I tried to put 
>>>>> sealant in my tire and the tire deflated and my Clementine tipped over. 
>>>>> Hopping mad...that would be an apt description of me in the garage 
>>>>> tonight. 
>>>>> I’m sick and tired of wrecking my back and fed up with the awkwardness of 
>>>>> working on a bike that is always threatening to tip over. I’m taking a 
>>>>> stand against not having a stand.
>>>>> I know Rivendell sells a stand but last I checked, it is sold out and 
>>>>> also $$$. Is there anything that makes their stand worth waiting for? 
>>>>> I don’t have many preferences, save two: I don’t want something that 
>>>>> takes up a bunch of room, and I want the clamp to be on the seat post. 
>>>>> (Not 
>>>>> the frame.)
>>>>> You’re the best!
>>>>> Leah

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