Bruce - a "rack bar"?  Not sure what you mean.  Got a pic?  This might help 
solve the problem that a number of posters on this thread are having.
TX, George

On Monday, January 25, 2021 at 2:29:00 PM UTC-6 Fullylugged wrote:

> George:
>  I got a rack bar to carry my wife’s step through bike on our car trunk 
> rack.  It also works great. To put her bike in my stand, acting like a top 
> tube.  Under $20 iirc.
> Bruce
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jan 25, 2021, at 11:44 AM, George Schick <> wrote:
> Yes, that's true - I have a problem lifting bikes like that, too.  If I'm 
> working on one of my road bikes it's not as much of an issue because I 
> clamp around the top tube and all I have to do is lift the bike up onto the 
> clamp.  But if I'm doing maintenance on the dual-boinger Trek MTB literally 
> the only place it can be clamped is around the seat post.  I have a Park 
> PCS-4 work stand so I can easily lift the upper part of it out of the lower 
> support, which enables me to place the clamp around the seat post and 
> adjust it to the right amount of tension.  Then, I put it back, swivel the 
> clamp around so it's pointed down at an angle where I'm lifting the bike up 
> with the front wheel still on the ground in order to clamp the post. 
>  Having done that, I can lift the front of the bike with one hand and 
> swivel it back toward level and tighten the swivel clamp with the other. 
>  It's still a PITA, though, compared to clamping around the top tube.
> On Monday, January 25, 2021 at 10:49:16 AM UTC-6 Linda G wrote:
>> Ana,
>>     I'm sure you are not the only one who has difficulty manipulating a 
>> 25 (or more) pound bike with one hand while working a seatpost clamp with 
>> the other. I can do it but my back does not like it. I have an older 
>> Ultimate Support  stand with a clamp that is at a fixed height but it does 
>> rotate. I turn over a tall plastic bucket and place it under where the 
>> front wheel will be when it is in the stand. Then I place the front wheel 
>> of the bike on the bucket and lift the rear of the bike up to the clamp and 
>> tighten it. Then I take out the bucket and rotate the clamp to level the 
>> bike. When I'm done working I rotate it again so that the front wheel is at 
>> bucket height. It's not a perfect system but it does make the lifting 
>> easier and stabilize the bike while I work the clamp .
>> Linda
>> On Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 8:00:58 AM UTC-8 Ana Candela wrote:
>>> Hi Leah,
>>> I am currently selling my two bike stands: one is the one Riv sells 
>>> (about 2 years old); the other, a Feedback mid range model (about 6-8 years 
>>> old?). I'm selling them locally because shipping would be a downside (I 
>>> would think at least $40),  but I'm open to negotiation. They're both 
>>> great, but I'm selling because I need a third hand to set my bike on them, 
>>> and that's something you may want to consider when getting a. stand, 
>>> whatever model you choose. I can't carry my bike with one hand while 
>>> affixing the clamp with the other. I've hurt my bike and myself in the 
>>> process, and I'm looking for a different kind of stand, but apparently it 
>>> doesn't exist yet, unless I want a huge hydraulic stand for e-bikes. Why 
>>> can't they make a version of a car/moped jack for bikes? Way cheaper and 
>>> even way less cumbersome.
>>> Anyway, if you're interested, I can send pics.
>>> -Ana
>>> On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 7:04:27 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>> Ding! wrote:
>>>> Ok, that got your attention. 
>>>> I’m not actually taking a stand so much as BUYING a stand. I have had 
>>>> it with trying to work on a bike on its kickstand. Tonight I tried to put 
>>>> sealant in my tire and the tire deflated and my Clementine tipped over. 
>>>> Hopping mad...that would be an apt description of me in the garage 
>>>> tonight. 
>>>> I’m sick and tired of wrecking my back and fed up with the awkwardness of 
>>>> working on a bike that is always threatening to tip over. I’m taking a 
>>>> stand against not having a stand.
>>>> I know Rivendell sells a stand but last I checked, it is sold out and 
>>>> also $$$. Is there anything that makes their stand worth waiting for? 
>>>> I don’t have many preferences, save two: I don’t want something that 
>>>> takes up a bunch of room, and I want the clamp to be on the seat post. 
>>>> (Not 
>>>> the frame.)
>>>> You’re the best!
>>>> Leah
>>>> -- 
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