I know the 51cm stayed the same, not sure where the longer ones started.

On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 6:46 PM Bones <ekstrane...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In an email back in early September, Will mentioned that they have
> lengthened the chainstays on the newest Sams. The 60cm now has 48.5cm
> chainstays... which is pretty close to the 61.5 Homer (49cm). Tubing, tire
> clearance and brake type seem to be what sets them apart.
> Bones
> On Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 6:16:04 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> "Sam shorter than Homer"
>> My guess is it's an older design they've decided to leave alone for
>> buyers wary of the super-long stays of the newer models.
>> On Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 12:36:42 PM UTC-8 Sean B. wrote:
>>> Why do you think the chainstays on the Hillborne are shorter than the
>>> AHH? With the AHH being more of a roadish bike, I would imagine it would be
>>> opposite.
>>> On Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 10:35:49 AM UTC-5 bjmi...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>>> What I really like about Rivendell is that they do have a handful of
>>>> frames that will work for you no matter what...and that there are little
>>>> nuanced differences between Sam/Homer, Atlantis/Joe, etc... The differences
>>>> in sizing between the two helps cover all pbh sizes...I'm a touch over
>>>> 93cm, so a Homer (which I was planning on getting until recently) is tough
>>>> because I'd have more clearance than I need on a 61.5 , but might not have
>>>> enough clearance on a 64. The Sam's most recent run had a 62cm frame that
>>>> would be a perfect fit for me. Had I not just ordered an Atlantis the
>>>> Tuesday before they released the garage sale frames, I would have snagged
>>>> that 62cm orange Sam and would have got to keep using sidepull brakes.
>>>> I agree that having Sam and Homer offer different braking makes
>>>> sense...the Homer is less burly (according to Rivendell's catalog) so it
>>>> makes sense that it takes the more traditional roadie brakes.
>>>> On Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 10:07:05 AM UTC-5 ted wrote:
>>>>> I'll guess the Sam has gone back to being canti because the Homer is
>>>>> now MIT also. Now costs are similar (same?), both have 6 deg top tubes,
>>>>> etc. May as well make the brakes different.
>>>>> I think choosing between a new Sam or Homer based on brake style
>>>>> preference would make a lot of sense.
>>>>> Of course I also think choosing based on preferred color, head badge,
>>>>> or name would make a lot of sense too.
>>>>> On Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 7:56:14 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>>>> How the canti-Sam became a sidepull-Sam early on involves a guess on
>>>>>> my part based on more arcane Riv knowledge than I should probably admit 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> harboring:
>>>>>> Originally the Sam showed up as a canti MIT version of the
>>>>>> Toyo/Waterford Saluki/Homer caliper bike. I believe the caliper Ram was
>>>>>> still around at this time, too, so Riv was all full up on caliper road
>>>>>> bikes. Later the Ram went away and Homer kept getting more expensive so 
>>>>>> Sam
>>>>>> morphed into the caliper road/country "standard" Rivbike. Now things are
>>>>>> all different and I won't try to figure out why it's canti again, I've 
>>>>>> been
>>>>>> arcane enough!
>>>>>> Joe "he knows too much, yet is so little help" Bernard
>>>>>> On Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 7:10:37 PM UTC-7 Jason Fuller wrote:
>>>>>>> From an engineering perspective, what I appreciate about side-pull
>>>>>>> brakes is that all the clamping forces are contained within the brake
>>>>>>> itself, ie it does not exert any bending force on the fork/frame like a
>>>>>>> canti or v-brake does. Even the braking force goes to the crown of the 
>>>>>>> fork
>>>>>>> rather than the blades, so the fork blades can focus on other things. 
>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>> said, the tire clearance limitation is a problem if you like anything
>>>>>>> bigger than a 42c.
>>>>>>> Reminds me - James told me via email that the Charlie H Gallop is
>>>>>>> going to be side-pull rather than v-brake like the prototypes
>>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 7:01 PM ted <ted....@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> New newer newest ...
>>>>>>>> Standard oversised ...
>>>>>>>> normal short long ...
>>>>>>>> Traditional ...
>>>>>>>> All relative terms whose meanings morph and evolve and the use of
>>>>>>>> which may or may not make sense to one depending on how long you've 
>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>> paying attention.
>>>>>>>> From where I sit the waterford AHH and atlantis were the last of
>>>>>>>> the more "traditional" Riv designs, the break being 6 deg top tubes and
>>>>>>>> more limited sizing.
>>>>>>>> With the longer wheelbase MIT models its another leap from
>>>>>>>> "traditional".
>>>>>>>> Maybe it's because I grew up before mountain bikes, but to my eye
>>>>>>>> side/center pull brakes are traditional while cantilevers (not to 
>>>>>>>> mention V
>>>>>>>> brakes) are new fangled. Discs new fangleder yet.
>>>>>>>> But I think RBW would say they aren't about tradition but about
>>>>>>>> practical bikes and what works.
>>>>>>>> There were side pull Roms and canti-Roms, there were side pull
>>>>>>>> Salukis and canti Salukis, there've been canti Sams and side pull 
>>>>>>>> Sams, the
>>>>>>>> SOs were going to be side pull but the builder used the wrong rear 
>>>>>>>> brake
>>>>>>>> bridge so they ended up canti. Prior to their recent embrace of V 
>>>>>>>> brakes
>>>>>>>> (and the slow march towards ever bigger and bigger tires) RBW seemed 
>>>>>>>> quite
>>>>>>>> agnostic wrt the whole canti vs side/center pull thing, and they went 
>>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>> and forth quite a bit.
>>>>>>>> I'm continually amazed at how strongly many folks feel about
>>>>>>>> various types of brakes. In my (admittedly somewhat limited) experience
>>>>>>>> they all can work fine. That said, I find side/center pull calipers the
>>>>>>>> easiest and least fidly to set up. If they (side/center pull) yield
>>>>>>>> sufficient clearance I don't see a strong argument against them.
>>>>>>>> I'm glad you got the bike you want, I'm also glad my wife's Sam has
>>>>>>>> dual pivot brakes.
>>>>>>>> On Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 5:20:59 PM UTC-7, Nathan F wrote:
>>>>>>>>> This change baffled me too, when I was buying my 2018 (in 2019,
>>>>>>>>> the last one Rivelo had) it was a huge deal for me. Glad to see 
>>>>>>>>> another run
>>>>>>>>> of them, in my eyes the Hillborne is the last holdout of the more
>>>>>>>>> "traditional" Riv designs that ended a few years ago.
>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, 5 September 2020 16:12:03 UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> The original Sams had cantilever brakes; why did Rivendell switch
>>>>>>>>>> to calipers? It seems to me that the Sam is the sort of bike -- 
>>>>>>>>>> allroad or
>>>>>>>>>> country bike -- that obviously needs cantilevers (or V brakes; heck, 
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> that matter discs, if Rivendell used discs; just not calipers) for 
>>>>>>>>>> tire and
>>>>>>>>>> fender clearance.
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 3:37 PM Joel <jrst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The new ones are canti’s I think? Did Riv make other changes?
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Patrick Moore
>>>>>>>>>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
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