On Apr 21, 5:14 am, Johnny Alien <johnnyal...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Hmmm...it seems like it is not a crazy idea at all then.  I now have
> options!  Does anyone know if the Hunqapillar colors on the site are
> the final colors?

The last I read, they were thinking of offering two options: red panel/
headtube and orange panel/headtube.

As for the strength of the Sam Hillborne, here is what Rivendell
Reader #41 (which is free to download) said when introducing the Sam

The Sam may be even more versatile than the AHH, because the
tubing is slightly thicker (same gauge as the Atlantis), so it more
to loaded touring. With AHH clearance, Atlantis tubing gauges, and a
fork that splits the diff, you can think of it as halfway between the
Atlantis and A. Homer Hilsen.

I'm not sure what that fork comment is referring to (clearance?

I've read that the Atlantis tubing is butted .9/.6/.9.  And the same
Riv Reader that introduces the Hillborne has an article about the
Bombadil.  The article on the Bombadil says the tubing is .1 thicker
than the Atlantis, so that would make the tubes on the Bombadil 1.0
millimeter thick.  The article also says the Bomadil's down tube and
double top tubes are straight gauge (no butting).   The Hunqapillar is
described as having Bombadil stout tubing in the main tubes, which
presumably means the top and down tubes (and that might also be the
case for the down tube as well).

In any case, the Hunqapillar has 1.0 mm tubing, and the Sam Hillborne
and Atlantis have .9 mm tubing.   The Atlantis is recommended for
fully loaded touring.  Therefore, it seems like the Sam Hillborne is a
pretty stout bike.

Also, are you aware that the double top tube design of the Hunqapillar
has morphed into something different than depicted on the website?
The second top tube is most likely going to angle down and join the
seat tube in the middle of the seat tube.

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