> I heartily encourage all wheel building efforts; I've built over 30 wheels 
> and when it comes to bike builds now I just assume I'll be building wheels! 
I was just working on a wheel this evening and I thought there's like a 
hundred pointers I could give you, but it's all a bit much for me to jot 
down logically in a post and for you to remember as well, BUT here's a 
couple :

It's sort of like cutting wood, measure twice (maybe 3 times) and order 
spokes once!!!!
It can be a little hit or miss sometimes, because unless you have 
specialized measuring tools a MM here & a MM there can all sort of add up 
and before you know it, your spokes are 2mm too long (URGH!), if this 
happens don't freak out, give yourself a break, stash those away for 
another day and get some new ones! It happens even to the best builders, 
(although less the more experienced you get)
When you start, lace the spokes that go from the insides of the flanges 
FIRST; then the ones that exit the outside of the flanges last; trust me 
this will save you a ton of work!!!  and don't forget to cross the last 
spoke over the third spoke it crosses. (for a 3X)

Some pro touches?
Align the logo on the hub so that it faces the valve hole (not important 
just one of those things experienced wheel builders do)
Different colored nipples or even spokes on either side of the valve hole. 
(I frequently do this with nipples, but only once with the spokes 
themselves; most people don't have any extras lying around that the can sub 
in; it's byproduct of having built a fair number of wheels. :-)
Depending on what stand you are using you shouldn't need a dishing tool; I 
haven't used one in 39 years! My park stand centers the wheel and the rim 
so the wheel just comes out dished.

Have fun

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