Personally I like all the options shown better than two parallel toptubes.  
They all look like reinforcing structures to me whereas the paralle TT's just 
look redundant...what's that thing that's in the eye of the be-whatsits?


-----Original Message-----
[]on Behalf Of happyriding
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 1:49 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] Re: Diagonapillar

On Apr 5, 9:51 am, Garth <> wrote:
> Eric,
> Riv isn't going to make any drastic changes to the Hunq, or else
> they'd have to call it something else.
> What you see here is pure fantasy. One thought about TT's not being
> parallel and all of the sudden we have a whole new frame?
> Nah.

Did you see the name of the op?  It's not April 1 anymore, either.

Oh, yeah.  Here is james black's suggested tube orientation--the two
triangles are better than one geometry:

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