Truth is the people in this group are generally obsessive compulsive and way 
too deep into the details and minutia of bikes and Rivendell in particular. 

The average Rivendell buyer likely doesn't get so involved; they are sucked in 
via Radavist, BikesnobNYC or maybe old the Lovelybike site. They land on the 
web site poke around and buy a bike. They will have no point of reference. It's 
likely Leah would be over the moon with her new Clem if she didn't already have 
a Clementine & Betty Foy. Just like my opinions are colored by the 30 or so 
bikes I've owned, my time as a mechanic, wrenching my own bikes, 
building/fabricating things, other people's bikes I've ridden, etc. It's deep 
pool of knowledge (largely trivial) that most people don't have.
That coupled with Grant's status allow him to do things other people in the 
business working for larger companies couldn't get away with.
If it doesn't quite work, Grant can just fudge it around for next time. 
My Clementine is very comfortable,  but it is slower than any other bike I 
have; it's not a huge difference, but over the course of an hour or two the 
difference can add up. And if it's a hilly route with a strong headwind, I best 
not be in a hurry.
Anywayz, I am glad someone else mentioned pedal strike, because when I 
mentioned it in the past people assumed I was some sort of newby who didn't 
know how to ride.

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