
The old Trek 710's etal are what got me started down the slippery bike 
slope! I still get the that "feeling" when I see one locally and for 
relatively cheap and have to go ride my hilsen to steady my nerves!

On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 12:08:05 PM UTC-4, Eric Daume wrote:
> Brian is my new idol. 
> I’m in the same loop. I keep on building up:
> - 29er steel hardtails
> - 700c versatile cross type bikes
> - sometimes an old UJB (or UAB if it’s an old Trek)
> I have a dream to focus and downsize to just two, maybe my Jones for 
> mountain biking and something else for running around town. But then what 
> do I do when I get an urge to ride fixed gear? And so it goes.
> But this town bike would more likely be a Bike Friday than a swoopy 
> humming-Riv, so I’m sorry for the digression!
> Eric
> On Monday, September 30, 2019, Brian Campbell < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Sell the Riv's that would be dupilcate, apply the funds to the custom and 
>> make it your main, if not only bike. FWIW, I had a pretty serious vintage 
>> bike collection 9 full bikes, many frames and many parts. Like many folks, 
>> I just kept constructing the same bike over & over because it was what I 
>> liked and represented how I rode. It took a lot of time energy and money 
>> keeping it all going.
>> I sold all of it in 2013 and bought an Hilsen. I saved my self a lot 
>> time, maintenance and mental energy by down sizing. I rode more and spent 
>> less time online searching and hunting for more "stuff". It was my only 
>> real bike until just recently when I got the final Riv Legolas.
>> I set the Legolas up to be light and simple. It is a very different 
>> animal that the Hilsen. Both are practical, can be configured in a number 
>> of different ways for future "twidling" if need be. 
>> Having a limited set of choices , in this case two, seems to heighten the 
>> enjoyment of each. Having too many choice made me dissatisfied. I say do it 
>> and don't look back.
>> On Sunday, September 29, 2019 at 11:48:21 PM UTC-4, Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> A Genuine Pretend Anniversary Mixte 
>>> Ever since the sketch and the mention of a 25th Rivendell Anniversary 
>>> Mixte on the Blahg, I have been waiting like a kid on Christmas. The bikes 
>>> I love are the mixtes/step-throughs and what an honor that a mixte was 
>>> going to be the bike representing Rivendell Bicycle Works on their 25th. 
>>> Since then, I’ve haunted the Blug and the Blahg, checking my traps for any 
>>> hint of the rumored mixte coming to life. The fancy lugs, the Rivendell 
>>> decal, the wispy, light ovalized tubes, the “One Bike To Rule Them All” 
>>> decal I was jockeying to get Rivendell to place in some secret spot on the 
>>> frame...I can’t forget about it. 
>>> In a recent e-newlsetter, the AM was mentioned but then seemingly 
>>> tabled. It’s inconceivable to me that this project may not happen. The lugs 
>>> have been designed, and they look to have a hummingbird cut into the 
>>> lugwork. And there’s no bird I love better than a hummingbird. 
>>> I was discussing (despairing) online with friends from the List and one 
>>> of them said, “Why don’t you just get this in a custom? They might even 
>>> make those lugs for you.” 
>>> I am not a custom kind of gal. I love the stock Rivendells I have in my 
>>> garage. But if the only way I can get an Anniversary Mixte is to make it 
>>> out of a custom, well, there’s an idea. 
>>> A Genuine Pretend Anniversary Mixte. 
>>> Grant is 65. The Gallup bike and the Longbolts bike are ahead of the AM 
>>> in the queue. The lug maker is going out of business. It could be a very 
>>> long time before the AM is in production. If ever. 
>>> I can’t be the only one whose heart was set on having this bike. Would 
>>> anyone else want a Genuine Pretend Anniversary Mixte? Would it be over the 
>>> top if I ordered it as a custom? Would anyone else do the same? Would we 
>>> have a batch of them ordered? And if so, can I choose the color? RICH RED 
>>> WITH SPARKLES AND CREAM ACCENTS.  Jewel-toned, like a hummingbird. 
>>> This might be impossible. Too expensive, maybe Rivendell won’t agree to 
>>> it, maybe it’s a bad idea - but I’d at least like to explore it. Reply if 
>>> you have thoughts about it. This is fun, even if it turns out to be a pipe 
>>> dream. 
>>> Leah
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