Just grabbed a TA Cyclotouriste for my Roadini without overthinking it as I 
usually do, price was right and it already had 46/30 rings. Need to order a 
BB now, is anyone else running the same or similar setup? I'm fairly sure 
118mm is the right spindle length, that's what VO recommends for their 
46/30 Cyclotouriste clone and this 11 year old RBWOB thread about the Saluki 
recommends the same but Sheldon claims it's 115 
<https://www.sheldonbrown.com/bbsize.html#ta>and that's enough to give me 
pause. What do you think - 118 or 115?

Oh, and would anyone be interested in the BSA threaded TA bottom bracket it 
comes with? It's probably the right length but I suppose I just don't keep 
it real enough to deal with repacking and adjusting, especially given the 
proportion of gravel to road I ride. Haven't got my hands on it yet but 
here's a pic from the eBay listing. 

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