
I call that state: "osmotic equilibrium".  When the density of bikes inside 
your shed is too high, then the increased bike pressure tends to push bikes 
out.  When the density in your shed it too low, it's natural that bikes 
flow into your shed.  When you've reached osmotic equilibrium, bikes can 
freely flow in and out of your shed, with the net change in bike density 
inside stays flat over time.  It's a good state to be in.

Bill "very high pressure" Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA 

On Friday, June 21, 2019 at 6:23:26 PM UTC-7, Julian Westerhout wrote:
> Bill, 
> A friend gifted me a complete, fairly good 1989 Team Stumpumper (Prestige 
> tubing, all XT) a couple of weeks ago. It was hanging in his garage and it 
> is now hanging in my bike shed as I mull what to do with it...   That part 
> is always fun!  :) 
> Julian "the last month was N-2 but also N+2, so net 0" Westerhout
> Bloomington, Il 
> On Friday, June 21, 2019 at 5:10:56 PM UTC-5, Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> (swap the bars to boscos, add fenders, brooks saddle, basket+racks, 
>> schwalbe fat tires). done deal for easily under $600.
>> Bosco bars are $70
>> All new cables/housing and grips $40
>> Fenders $50
>> Brooks saddle $120
>> basket $20
>> Racks $100 - $300
>> Schwalbe fat tires $90
>> If you are a bike mechanic and pay yourself $0 then you just need to find 
>> that complete Stumpjumper for easily under $100 to keep the project easily 
>> under $600.  If you are not a bike mechanic and need to pay for labor, then 
>> you need to find somebody to pay you to take their Stumpjumper.  
>> Bill 'always-willing-to-earn-money-by-taking-your-Stumpjumper' Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Friday, June 21, 2019 at 12:15:51 PM UTC-7, Adam Leibow wrote:
>>> if you are trying to do this super budget, find an old fully rigid 
>>> complete stumpjumper or rockhopper from the early 90s, add the riv 
>>> accoutrements, (swap the bars to boscos, add fenders, brooks saddle, 
>>> basket+racks, schwalbe fat tires). done deal for easily under $600. 
>>> alternatively, find a vintage MTB frameset with good clearances and build 
>>> it up riv style. i have done so many builds like this.  
>>> On Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 7:44:29 PM UTC-7, Friend wrote:
>>>> My friend is in search of a new bike.  Everything she describes screams 
>>>> CLEM to me.  Touring capable.  Big tire clearance.  Upright.  Potentially 
>>>> Stepthrough.  Thing is, it's hard to find a complete Clem for less than 
>>>> $1,300.  If you were trying to come close, with say, half that amount, 
>>>> what 
>>>> would you search for?  Thanks for any suggestions

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