We are going to convert our bikes in the next couple weeks with a front hub
motor. We need a boost to get out of the hills easily where we live now. I
love my Cheviot and that let's me keep riding a great bike.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 1:00 PM 'Abcyclehank' via RBW Owners Bunch <
rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com wrote:

> Leah,
> Although I love the variety of riding my multitude of bikes (mostly
> Rivendells) provide.
> I confess to the joy a simple boost that an e-bike provides.  I fully
> expect to own one someday.  I see your husband’s logic about a fully
> designed one from the ground up.  Expensive is the correct word there to
> buy a quality one is $3999 up. Hence is likely second guessing.  To double
> your riding joy with the man you love I suggest you consider advising him
> to consider a demo model.  Just like Rivendell offers some great deals on
> their floor models this is especially true of e-bike stores.  I have also
> last years models cleared out down to seen 1/2 price (think new car
> models). Often subtle to know difference but buyers often want the latest
> year model or the automobile financing favors it.
> A high quality bike like a Rivendell may be simply converted with a high
> quality hub based boost.  (Copenhagen is a high end one, bionex midrange).
> This is the route I will likely go because because Rivendell is one of the
> few companies that satisfies my size requirement.  Most e-bikes max out at
> 60cm for a XXL which is laughable to riders my size.
> I will give you personal feedback in about a month after I visit
> California for the NAHBS and ride a Copenhagen converted Rosco Bubbe Jumbo
> Mountain Mixte.
> Regardless spending quality time over the next 5-10 years with your
> supportive husband will be important and necessary is your sons lives get
> busier in HS and they have even less time for an amazing mother like you.
> My vote is for a wheel if my report comes back as glowing as I expect it
> to; plus a nice little motorcycle 🏍 to boot.  Neither is better than the
> other, they are each different enough, and cover both of your bases.
> Bicycling for you + cycling for him = Win-Win.
> Sincerely,
> Ryan “provider of free life and marriage advice that is rarely if ever
> solicitated” Hankinson
> West Michigan
> --
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