I don't tape anything. I do remove the stem BB and seat post and half
heartdly try to make sure everything gets covered. I'll squirt in the
cs/ss vent holes and tip it butt end up in the stand (cs drains out BB
on most of my bikes). I don't usually see much drain out. I don't
beleive it's possible to drain what is squirted into a seat stay... I
guess my bikes weigh a little more every year :) my effort on the rear
end is 1/2 hearted at best. I do hit the steerer and once in a great
while I'll remove the fork and go after the head tube.

As far as letting whatever you use to inhibit rust drip on the lawn/
floor/down the street or whatever make sure to read the label. Seems
like a good way to kill a patch of grass.

On Mar 16, 7:30 pm, R Gonet <richard.go...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> When you do your frame, do you squirt it in all the holes, tape them
> up, turn the frame every which way to circulate the mess, or do you do
> something less intensive/obsessive?
> On Mar 16, 10:09 am, Joshua  Kruck <joshua.kr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I do my frames twice a year, at the beginning and end of winter (in MN
> > that works out to november and march usually). This seems like enough,
> > even the frames that get salt and sand and whatnot from the MN snow
> > removal hold up fine.
> > On Mar 15, 12:29 pm, M9091666 <tomnelsoncont...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Once you or Riv has applied Boeshield to the frame, does it have to be
> > > reapplied, and if so how often? I ask because the Boeshield literature
> > > seems to imply that it's only good for a few months. Perhaps they are
> > > talking about external applications that get wear or exposure, but I
> > > thought I'd ask.

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