Hi all - I did a ride in Portugal with Dave White (Blind Stokers SD club 
founder) and his wife earlier this year. They are great people and it’s a 
terrific organization. I can contact him and ask about their needs if and when 
you’re thinking of going that way and I’d be happy also to assemble the bike 
once it arrives - I’m in San Diego as well. Just a thought - let me know if you 
need any help. D

> On Dec 15, 2018, at 9:42 AM, tc <tdc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, agree Alex, let's see what the BTCC thinks/suggests -- after all, they 
> would likely be better hooked in to various tandem club situations than any 
> of us.
> I read about the Blind Stokers Club <http://blindstokersclub.org/> that does 
> fundraisers to buy tandems.  They're based in San Diego, but work with blind 
> stokers all over.  They may be an option if the BTCC falls through.  Read 
> this article  
> <https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/communities/north-county/sd-no-blind-stoker-20170324-story.html>to
>  learn more.
> Riv HQ is certainly hooked into the Bay area cycling scene, and may know of 
> some local clubs who would be interested in a HHH specifically dedicated to 
> riding with blind stokers.  This would also save shipping costs and allow 
> more $ devoted to purchasing components that aren't already donated by the 
> time the frame arrives late next summer.
> Tom, who - along with wife - is fighting the urge to order one too....
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