Hi Patrick,

I would not use the word stupid since a society is not always progressing
but can remain stagnant because of cultural conditioning and society tend
to change slowly or resist change.  Anyway, it may be due to wear but I am
not aware of the reason why shoes have heels and it may be true what Peter
has said.  I always thought it was a fashion thing. Sometimes things do not
change due to market forces which see that expensive of retooling or
research to get into profits.  Availability of having a shoe or choices of
shoes are very limited as well since living in a society does not mean we
really have choices.  For example, it may be to have better public
transportation in society to reduce air pollution but the only choice we
have in some circumstances is to just get a car and these choices are
driven by markets since it is more advantages (if you are a business man
that relies on people having them and you are selling them) than to go
toward other ways of traveling like using bikes or public transportation
such as buses and trains.  We see this played out in society in all kinds
of ways to drive out ideas because they are bad but bad means bad for
business.  Also, would not a thicker sole help with the wear?  It may be my
foot but I rarely buy new shoes because the sole has worn down but because
they are completely worn.  Just saying.

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Patrick Moore <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Heels may well add nothing to foot health, but apparently they don't hurt,
> to judge by the 80 and 90 year olds I've known who wore heeled shoes and
> remained ambulatory until very near death without any foot complaints!
> I'm still open to the answer; it's obvious that millennia of people got by
> without heels. I just don't believe that centuries of societies are as
> stupid as they've been made out to be, if heels were merely fashion or
> cluelessness. One could turn the question around and ask why minimalist
> shoes, as those "earth shoes" and other designs, seem to come up every
> decade or 2 and then disappear?
> What happened to Crocks, by the way?
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 8:11 AM, Lee Legrand <krm2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Peter,
>> It may last longer but what does this say about foot health?  I think
>> that is central to the minimalist shoe idea and to this post.  Not how
>> shoes last longer but is a raise heel better for your feet?
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