On Sun, 2010-01-24 at 09:10 -0600, George Strickler wrote:
> I am contemplating a 10-14 day trip this summer using plastic and
> sleeping in beds.  I would like to use my Rambouillet but I think I
> need to carry a bit more than will go in my handlebar bag which is the
> only bag I've ever used with the bike.  I have another bike set up for
> heavy loads.  I know the Ram is not designed for carrying a lot of
> rear weight but I was thinking that a smallish set of panniers on a
> rear rack would work.  Recommendations for a rack or should I go low
> riders in the front?

You can do that trip with less than 20 lb and sacrifice nothing at all.
I find the heaviest items on a hotel tour are items of clothing for
off-bike wear, and of those trousers are the worst.  In summer you can
probably do with just shorts unless your off-bike activities include
caving.  So figure 3-5 lb up front, 10-15 lb in panniers in back, and
that's a pretty undemanding load.  

I'd guess any rack that would fit other than an old-style Pletcher
(that's usless for anything heavier than a library book) would work
entirely satisfactorily.  The Tubus Fly is an excellent choice, but
there are some pretty cheap Axioms at the LBS, or even some inexpensive
Nashbar racks that would be adequate.

Get that load low enough, and you might be able to do it all adding only
a Carradice, and so wouldn't need a rear rack at all.

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