Riding in the snow is the best.  Funny, I'm  heading down to PDX in a
couple days.


On Dec 29, 8:33 pm, rob markwardt <robmar...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>     Visiting inlaws in Portland for a couple days so that means I get
> to bring a bike.  Brought the Bleriot and took off this afternoon to
> ride for a few hours.  Stated off a little cold but not bad.  Afterr
> about an hour the flakes started to come down.  Rode for another half
> hour an I wa in the middle of a full- blown snow storm.   Very fun
> riding but At this point I was a long way from home and had to figure
> out the best route home.  Not easy...despite it's reputation as a
> biking paradise, and it is a great place to ride, but let's just sAy
> there are LOT of hills.  I headed downtown then up Terwiliger (a
> beautiful road).  Was really getting thick at this point but I still
> had to get to home base in Lake Oswego...this meant climbing over an
> exticf volcano (now suburb).  It was granny gear and sidewalks at this
> point though traffic really started to thin out here... Nobody could
> make it up the hill.  Had a nice downhill ride and thankfully made it
> home before dark.  Bleriot did great but I could have used some wider
> fenders. Will post pics once I figure out how to upload from Iphone.
> Hoping to go for a ride again tomorrow but not too hopeful.
> Rob Markwardt
> PS... Apologies for typos but I'm getting used to the little keyboard.


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