In Los Angeles, I've found the majority of bike shops tolerate my bikes and 
don't give me too much my face at least. Though there have been 
times, and there have been many unwelcome recommendations to better my riding. 
Almost always these come from the bike shop crew that just hangs out at bike 
shops. They don't work there, but they get some sort of feeling of power being 
able to offer advice and walk behind the counter of shops they don't work in. 
Is this unique to LA? I really hate this subsect. 

I live on the eastside where there is a pretty large percentage of people who 
ride old steel road bikes. Some because they can be had cheap, some because of 
the more casual aesthetic. A lot of times shops just think my bikes are old 
because that's what they are used to, and a couple are. 
I have 2 shops that I'll go to for work, who seem to fully understand what they 
are working on, and not ridicule me for it. 

At the shop closest to where I live, the employees wear jerseys and Lycra while 
they are working. Yet I'm the weirdo for having a bike made of steel.

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