Hi Julian
On the occasions that I took my AHH into a bike shop here in the UK the 
staff were always really impressed and told me what a lovely bike they 
thought it was. Often the owners (who, admittedly, were older) made a point 
of coming out to talk to me about it. To me these are the knowledgeable 
folks who know bikes and their genuine admiration made me feel good about 
my choice and their shop. In a similar vein to others, the AHH was, by a 
long shot, the bike that got the most admiration from people (family, 
friends and total strangers). My wife even had me bring it into the studio 
once when we had a family portrait done! Viva la difference!

On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 02:42:39 UTC+1, Julian wrote:

> I was out on my Rambouillet on a club ride on Sunday (a near perfect 
> spring day -- sun, blue skies, temps in upper 70's, little wind), enjoying 
> the day and the company for the most part, until a fellow I do not really 
> know (those who know me consider the Ram comparatively normal for me!) 
>  rode up on a carbon "wonder bike", said "where'd you get that relic?," 
> "that thing must be a tank," "you're making the club look bad," and a few 
> other choice bits accompanied by a chuckle or two. 
> I tried to be polite, pointing out it was not really vintage, that Rivs 
> have great ride characteristics, beautiful aesthetics, that It was the 
> right bike for "me" etc. -- to no avail. After a few minutes of this I got 
> fed up and told him to be quiet and rode away from him. I'm not sure how 
> best to deal with people like that. 
> I get this sort of thing from time to time, but usually really minimal 
> compared to this joker. How do you respond? 
> Julian Westerhout
> Bloomington, IL 

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