I was a big fan of exterior racks, and for the shorter trips still like 
them, but have come to couch that with the hassle that bikes with fenders, 
disc brakes, and other kit begging  to be removed for an highway speed 
trip, 100 or 1000 miles. Traveling with a bike in the car became easier, 
despite any momentary hassles of loading and padding for stability and 
protection. The piece of mind equity won me out. A hailstone ding on the 
top tube of my roof-racked 1989 StumpJumper on a 1990 trip to south central 
 Colorado weighs in on this opinion, it's when I realized I cannot push on 
through weather without consequence. Highway speed in the rain also 
detached the glued edge of the OEM saddle covering. 

Being able to stop and leave the car with a bike inside for a meal, a 
museum, a bathroom break or while epic weather passes is a huge comfort. 
Elimination of exposure to road spray (the worst) or actual precipitation 
has been better for my bikes. 

I use canvas drop cloth as a cargo cover while under way. No one needs to 
see what I've got in the car,  plus it makes a nice damper to sound and 
motion in the cargo. Even if using a cover over bikes and such, take your 
bike or gear out of your vehicle overnight. 

Vehicle selection requirements for us include being able to put a bikes 
inside for security and protection on a trip. Both of our vehicles are 
conducive to bikes inside without being vans. 

Andy Cheatham

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 10:35:03 AM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Steve: if you are careful about packing, there is no reason why a bike or 
> bikes plural in a trunk should be scratched any more than a bike hanging in 
> your garage. I always carry my bikes inside (which is why I like, in 
> effect, mini-panel trucks) and keep a movers' quilt in back to pad the bike 
> as needed.
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 8:24 AM, Steve Palincsar <pali...@his.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> On 02/13/2016 10:18 AM, Garth wrote:
>>>    Gee wiz , well before the idea of "preservation" aka:fear , I took my 
>>> bikes on thousands of miles with bikes on the back of cars, on top, in the 
>>> trunk and on the back seat. In the back of my pickup too, with a camper 
>>> shell and carpet kit !   Lo and behold, no harm ever came to anyone or 
>>> anything. 
>> Not a scratch?  Then you must lead a charmed life.  Either that, or you 
>> have a very unusual definition of "harm."
>> -- 
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> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten
> **************************************************************************
> **************
> *The point which is the pivot of the norm is the motionless center of a 
> circumference on which all conditions, distinctions, and individualities 
> revolve. *Chuang Tzu
> *Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.* *(The cross stands motionless while the 
> world revolves.) *Carthusian motto
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