Congratulations on the new (forthcoming?) child. My daughter is one of the
best things that happened to me, joy far outweighing grief. But be aware:
daughters, at least my daughter, became less of a handful but a lot more
expensive as she got older!

I bought my now 14 1/2 year old daughter some pretty nice children's bikes
when she was small, starting with a pneumatic-tired tricycle at age 2
(which she'd ride to the nearby Albertson's with me and cruise up and down
the aisles -- it had remote parent steering for emergencies). From 2 until
4 or so, she enjoyed our Saturday morning outings in her trailer, me on a
67" fixed Raleigh Technium -- good times!

But when I put her on a Burley Trail-a-bike, we went 50 feet, and she said,
in effect, "never again." Catie had various Electra cruisers, and enjoyed
riding up and down our cul-de-sac, but when she hit 12 she gradually lost
interest; she hasn't ridden her Trek mountain bike for12 months or more.

Thats' fine; it doesn't hurt or disappoint me in the least. She is very
interested in singing (All State choir), drawing and painting (contest
winner), cooking, piano, reading, lately guitar -- heck, I can't keep up! I
am just as happy to buy her, as I did very recently, a nice Yamaha full
sized key board and kit for the price of a decent bike, as I am to spend
the $$ on cycling stuff.

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 2:22 PM, René Sterental <> wrote:

> The great stories of kids who have gone on to embrace the love of bikes
> (and other passions) from their parents are wonderful. However, IMO, one of
> the hardest things one has to do as a parent (two daughters in their 20s
> and a teenage son) is deal with the reality when one (or all) of your kids
> develops other passions that don't have anything to do with yours and
> reject (to different degrees) sharing yours. Children develop their own
> personalities and passions and one of the best aspect of being a parent is
> encouraging them to do so. Yet, it also hurts when they reject sharing
> yours. This is an important lesson I have learned over the years, and
> covers many more aspects than just sharing a hobby or a passion. And one
> has to be supportive and understanding and learn to deal with this
> discovery process. And keep hoping that when they get older, they'll
> re-discover the passion so you can share it with them! The good aspect of
> this situation is that sometimes they infect you with their passions, and
> you are the one who ends up sharing it with them.
> René
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Dan <> wrote:
>> When my first daughter was born (19 years ago, time flies) I ran out and
>> got a Burley trailer.  I was really excited to get her into the fun of
>> biking with me, but the first few times we rode around the local lake she
>> fussed and complained. The highlight for her was getting out at the park at
>> the halfway point and swinging on the swings.  Then one day, when she was
>> about 8 months old, we were on the return leg of the loop and on a little
>> downhill I let the bike go faster than I usually did.  Halfway down the
>> hill, coming from the trailer I heard "Wheeee!  Wheeee!" I was so happy,
>> still makes me smile when I think about it.  Today that girl has 3 bikes
>> and is always up for a ride. Hectic summer schedules scuttled plans for an
>> overnight last year but we're gonna hope for one again this summer.
>> On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 2:11:56 PM UTC-6, Matt Gilkey wrote:
>>> Congratulations and Good luck Jim!!  As a father of two sons, two and
>>> four, and working full time while going to grad school I have to say that
>>> becoming a parent is the single most difficult thing I have ever done.  But
>>> it is by far the most rewarding thing I have ever done, and has changed me
>>> for the better in more ways than I could have possibly imagined. You truly
>>> gain a new perspective on life. This change comes on slowly though, so
>>> don't expect it to all happen right away.  I second the recommendation of
>>> finding a good bike trailer. Being a parent has definitely cut down on my
>>> riding and wrenching time, but incorporating your children into your riding
>>> helps.
>>> -Matt
>>> On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 8:09:31 PM UTC-7, Jim Bronson wrote:
>>>> Yep yep yep
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten
*The point which is the pivot of the norm is the motionless center of a
circumference on which all conditions, distinctions, and individualities
revolve. *Chuang Tzu

*Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.* *(The cross stands motionless while the
world revolves.) *Carthusian motto

*It is *we *who change; *He* remains the same.* Eckhart

*Kinei hos eromenon.* (*It moves [all things] as the beloved.) *Aristotle

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