Might I suggest Soma's mixte. A sample 3 speed build-up would be
around 1300 dollars, can be found here.


But in anything, you should really try to convince her on buying a
bike that she'll be happy to keep for the rest of her life. And when
it comes to buying a bike there is no other substitution to a
Rivendell. The people there alone is the only reason why I suggest it
over anything. If she is really having trouble with the price, you
have to put in into terms of the bike paying itself off in the long
run. As she bikes more she'll save money on gas, get healthier, never
have to worry about parking, be happier. Why buy a bike that she might
have to buy more into? When she can get something she won't have to
worry about for a while. The price tag overweights the many benefits.
Really when buying a bike most people need to get out of the notion
that it's like buying a toy, buying a bike is more like investing in a
different style of living. Hope all goes well with her bike search.
Good luck


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