Yep, I'll ditto the medium basket, as well.  I had one strapped to the front 
rack for a long time.  Very useful and handy, really.  I might go back to that 
set up one day.  I'm fickle when it comes to rigging a bike.  I love tweaking 
the mix.  Riv's are great for that, too.


--- On Mon, 11/30/09, Allingham II, Thomas J <> 

From: Allingham II, Thomas J <>
Subject: RE: [RBW] Re: Advice on building up a Quickbeam (+introduction)
To: "''" <>
Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 8:13 PM

I have a medium basket on my mini front rack on my QB, and it's surprisingly 
capacious (with or without the medium Shopsack, which I love for commuting).  
You might give it a try -- you could be surprised.  Re the large basket,  Keven 
at Riv had a large basket on his mini on his QB (see staff bike pictures under 
Bike Models on the Riv website for a picture), and he told me it was not 
stable. He suggested a Platrack to me if I wanted to have a Large basket, and I 
may yet try it, though I like the medium basket fine.

-----Original Message-----
From: i.e. [] 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 10:48 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] Re: Advice on building up a Quickbeam (+introduction)

Thanks for the warm welcome and great information.

I just got back from Rivendell this evening.  Here's what I've decided on so 
far, based on your recommendations and the input of the Rivendell folk. I went 
with the CR720s for the brakes.  I also decided to start off with noodle bars, 
the mini-front rack, and fenders.  I was disappointed to discover that the 
medium Wald basket is a lot smaller than I had imagined.  I'm hoping I can fit 
a large basket on that mini-rack--has anyone tried this?  I also plan to fit a 
14 tooth track cog with a bb lock ring on the flip side of the stock hub.

So there it is, folks.  Thanks for the help.  I'll post pictures sometime next 



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