FWIW regarding Riv paint - This looks rather nice:

On Nov 5, 7:40 pm, james black <chocot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 16:46, John Stoesser <jstoes...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > This paint issue you speak of makes me lean to Waterford.
> It seems rash to jump to the conclusion that Rivendell's custom paint
> job is no match for the one that Waterford would give you, based on
> hearsay from one guy. I would suggest you withhold judgment until you
> see the photos yourself. Perhaps William House is pickier than you?
> Anyways, William House, I urge you to post some careful photos. I am
> sorry that you were disappointed, but as you see from John's post,
> criticizing Rivendell publicly on a forum like this has the potential
> to cost Rivendell thousands of dollars in sales. I don't think that
> was your intention, so let's see the photos so everyone can evaluate
> for themselves, and thereby absolve yourself of the responsibility for
> damaging Rivendell's reputation.
> James Black
> Los Angeles, CA
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