on 11/5/09 4:46 PM, John Stoesser at jstoes...@comcast.net wrote:

> Personally I think the customer has a beef. A sub-par paint job on a $4,000
> bike is unacceptable. A sub-par paint job on a $2,000 frame is unacceptable.
> If you advertise a custom paint job, it should be in line with the quality
> of the standard paint on the AHH. Anything less should sell for less than
> the standard frame. I would hold them accountable. I'm glad you posted this
> as I've been wrestling with a 69 or 71cm AHH (if they hadn't discontinued
> the 68cm Atlantis that would be the consideration) or a custom Adventure
> Cycle from Waterford. The price is pretty darn close. Since Rivendell uses
> Waterford as a manufacturer (and I do admire Rivendell), I consider that an
> endorsement of the Waterford quality.
> This paint issue you speak of makes me lean to Waterford.

Which is why I think it's fair to ask to see specific photos of the paint
job aspects that were of concern to him, which William said he'd try to
supply (in another thread, I think...).  With that, I think it's reasonable
to judge the work on that specific bicycle. I'd have difficulty
extrapolating it much further.

I've got a few more detailed images of my Hilsen here -

There have been few general complaints about paint quality with Rivendell
models over the years, the notable exception being on the Bleriot, which
generally lamented that the detail quality was not as good as the regular
two-toned Rivendells.

Also, I don't think it's _advertised_ as a "custom" paint job.  To wit:


"Color: The signature A.H.H. color is a medium dark old blue with a tiny bit
of sparkle that's visible only in bright sun. The head tube and lug
highlights are cream, as they are with all of our bikes.
"What if I want another color?" You can probably get it, but it'll cost you
$300 more. That's what it costs us. It's possible that we'll change colors
on future productions, but it will always be some shade of blue, and the
only other blue that's in the running is a really pretty one, too. Lighter
and with some grey, but really good-looking."

The only other point I'll belabor is that if anyone does have a beef with a
Rivendell product or service, the first call is to them, and as I said in a
different post, asking  specifically for what would set it right.  This
group is not the means for communicating with Rivendell Bicycle Works on a
customer service issue.

- Jim

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

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